Sunday Jun 21, 2020
NNR Reruns: C1E47a "Turbotastic" - orig released 09/12/19
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
In delayed celebration of the delayed release of the Turbografx16 mini / PC Engine mini / CoreGrafx mini, our rerun this month will not be one episode, but three - each part of our three part mini-series on the TG16 / PC Engine from September of last year, which was made in conjunction with Bryce Dumond of the Turbotastic Podcast (a fantastic TG16/PCE "game by game" pod). The only difference being that instead of running them parts 1, 2, and 3, we are running them part 3, 2, and 1. This was originally planned for March, and planned to have part 1's rerun date coincide with the release of the mini on it's original release date of 03/19/20 as something of a "grand finale". When COVID pushed back the system's release indefinitely, it scrubbed this rerun scheme along with it. When the system finally did launch last month, it was with insufficient head's up to allow for my mini-series rerun scheme to materialize. So, here in June is our first opportunity. I hope you will accept / indulge the mulligan, enjoy the episodes if you've never heard them before...and enjoy them anew if you have.
Please note that due to the attached ear catcher at the beginning regarding Best of 2019, the time stamps in the track list will be off by a minute, minute and a half. Up against a deadline to put this down for a couple months, I did not have time to update the time stamps accordingly. They're still reasonably close, I suppose. :-)
(BC) = Bryce's Picks – CD Audio
(BH) = Bryce's Picks – HuC6280
(JC) = John's Picks – CD Audio
(JH) = John's Picks – HuC6280
(JA) = John's Picks – HuC & ADPCM
01 - Intro - 00:00:00
02 - (BH) Blazing Lazers – Intro - Masatom Miyamoto, JTS, Masanobu Tsukamoto, Sydon Inoue, Keiji Takeuchi and/or Ozono - 00:03:10
03 - (BH) Raiden – Gallantry - Akira Sato - 00:05:09
04 - (JA) Cyber City Oedo 808 – Music S00 - Keiichi Yamamoto, Atsuhiro Motoyama, Miyuki Takagi, and/or Atsushi Yamaji - 00:07:37
05 - (BH) Salamander – Burn the Wind - Miki Higashino, Yoshiaki Hatano, and/or Kazuki Muraoka - 00:10:42
06 - (BC) Lords of Thunder – Auzal Stage - Satoshi Miyashita - 00:12:19
07 - (BH) Afterburner II – Final Take Off - Hiroshi Kawaguchi, and/or Shigeharu Isoda - 00:16:43
08 - (BC) Ys 1 & 2 – Palace of Destruction - c: Yuzo Koshiro / a: Mieko Ishikawa - 00:20:42
09 - (JH) Street Fighter 2CE – Character Select - Yoko Shimomura - 00:22:45
10 - (BC) Lords of Thunder – Llamarada Stage - Satoshi Miyashita - 00:23:49
11 - (BH) Bloody Wolf – Level 1 - Azusa Hara, Hiroaki Yoshida, Tatsuya Kiuchi, Hitomi Komatsu, Shuuji Segawa, Shogo Sakai, Takafumi Miura, Yuji Suzuki, and/or Yusuke Takahama - 00:28:14
12 - (JH) Dead Moon – Moon - Mamoru Ishimoda, and/or Yoko Sonoda - 00:30:12
13 - (JH) Metal Stoker – Computer System (Stage 6) - Hiroto Saitoh - 00:32:33
14 - (BH) Raiden – Fighting Thunder - Akiro Sato - 00:34:48
15 - (BH) Afterburner II – Afterburner - Hiroshi Kawaguchi, and/or Shigeharu Isoda - 00:38:01
16 - (BC) Ys 1 & 2 – Holders of Power - c: Yuzo Koshiro / a: Mieko Ishikawa - 00:42:59
17 - (BH) Blazing Lazers – Area 9 - Masatom Miyamoto, JTS, Masanobu Tsukamoto, Sydon Inoue, Keiji Takeuchi and/or Ozono - 00:44:37
18 - (BC) Lords of Thunder – Cielom Stage - Satoshi Miyashita - 00:46:51
19 - (BC) Castelvania: Rondo of Blood – Bloodlines - Mikio Saitou, Akiropito, Kinuyo Yamashita, and/or Satoe Terashima - 00:51:16
20 - (JC) Double Dragon 2 – Stage 5 - Togo Hiroyuki - 00:54:24
21 - (BC) Ys 1 & 2 – First Step Towards War - c: Yuzo Koshiro / a: Mieko Ishikawa - 00:57:11
22 - (JH) Magical Chase – Stage 3 - Hitoshi Sakimoto and/or Masaharu Iwata - 0:59:12
23 - (BH) Ninja Ryukeden – Level 1 - Keiji Yamagishi, BB, Hasake, and/or Makiko Tanifuji - 01:02:20
24 - (BH) Legendary Axe – Level 3 - Atsumi Chikuma and/or Toshiaki Takimoto - 01:04:12
25 - (BH) Salamander – Starfield - Miki Higashino, Yoshiaki Hatano, and/or Kazuki Muraoka - 01:06:31
26 - (BH) Salamander – Boss - Miki Higashino, Yoshiaki Hatano, and/or Kazuki Muraoka - 01:08:25
27 - (BH) Legendary Axe – Level 1 - Atsumi Chikuma and/or Toshiaki Takimoto - 01:09:04
28 - (BH) Bonk's Adventure – Boss - Tsukasa Masuko and/or Hirohiko Takayama - 01:11:10
29 - (BH) Ninja Spirit – Kessen - M. Ishida - 01:12:21
30 - (JC) Shubibinman 3 – Stage 2-2: Airship Interior - Koji Hayama - 01:14:35
31 - (JC) Ai Chou Aniki – Stage 1-3 - Iwasaki Taku - 01:16:37
32 - (JC) Fatal Fury Special – Duck Dub Dub - Shinsekai Gakkyoku - 01:20:12
33 - (JH) Batman – Stage 2 - Naoki Kodaka - 01:24:11
34 - (JH) Kaizu Chounin Shubibbinman – In-Game 3 - Koji Hayama - 01:26:23
35 - (BC) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood - Bloody Tears - Mikio Saitou, Akiropito, Kinuyo Yamashita, and/or Satoe Terashima - 01:29:08
36 - (JH) Metal Stoker – Metal Elephant (Boss 6) - Hiroto Saitoh - 01:30:46
37 - (JH) Air Zonk – Bubble Marine - Daisuke Morshima and/or Hisashi Matsushita - 01:32:58
38 - (BH) Bonk's Adventure – Level One - Tsukasa Masuko and/or Hirohiko Takayama - 01:36:12
39 - (BH) Outrun – Magical Sound Shower - Hiroshi Kawaguchi and/or Shigeharu Isoda - 01:37:18
40 - (BH) Yo Bro – I get Around - c: The Beach Boys / a: Unknown - 01:42:25
41 - (BH) Yo Bro – Help Me Rhonda - c: The Beach Boys / a: Unknown - 01:44:53
42 - Outro - 01:48:03
Music Block Runtime: 01:44:57, Total Episode Runtime: 01:59:33
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights. Composer and track info vetted by "Pidge".
You can find the Turbotastic Podcast at:
turbotasticpodcast.libsyn.com, or on Stitcher, Spotify, iTunes, as well as on Facebook and Twitter at:
FB: @TurbotasticPodcast
TW: @TheTurbotastic
Here's the link to the spreadsheet with all the eligible tracks for Best of 2019 (C1E55). I look forward to receiving your track submissions, and sharing your combined contributions with the world! :-)
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
NNR Reruns: C1E47b: "The Little Engine that Could" - orig released 09/19/19
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
In delayed celebration of the delayed release of the Turbografx16 mini / PC Engine mini / CoreGrafx mini, our rerun this month will not be one episode, but three - each part of our three part mini-series on the TG16 / PC Engine from September of last year, which was made in conjunction with Bryce Dumond of the Turbotastic Podcast (a fantastic TG16/PCE "game by game" pod). The only difference being that instead of running them parts 1, 2, and 3, we are running them part 3, 2, and 1. This was originally planned for March, and planned to have part 1's rerun date coincide with the release of the mini on it's original release date of 03/19/20 as something of a "grand finale". When COVID pushed back the system's release indefinitely, it scrubbed this rerun scheme along with it. When the system finally did launch last month, it was with insufficient head's up to allow for my mini-series rerun scheme to materialize. So, here in June is our first opportunity. I hope you will accept / indulge the mulligan, enjoy the episodes if you've never heard them before...and enjoy them anew if you have.
Please note that due to the attached ear catcher at the beginning regarding Best of 2019, the time stamps in the track list will be off by a minute, minute and a half. Up against a deadline to put this down for a couple months, I did not have time to update the time stamps accordingly. They're still reasonably close, I suppose. :-)
(BC) = Bryce's Picks – CD Audio
(BH) = Bryce's Picks – HuC6280
(JC) = John's Picks – CD Audio
(JH) = John's Picks – HuC6280
01 - Intro - 00:00:00
02 - (BH) Salamander – Power of Anger - Miki Higashino, Yoshiaki Hatano, and/or Kazuki Muraoka - 00:03:05
03 - (JH) Energy – Opening - Koji Hayama - 00:04:33
04 - (JH) Moto Roader – Shout in the Dark - Koji Hayama - 00:07:29
05 - (JH) Blood Gear – Ruined Base - Shinichi Sakamoto, and/or Jin W. - 00:09:46
06 - (JC) Ai Chou Aniki – Stage 3-3 - Iwasaki Taku - 00:12:21
07 - (JC) Strider Hiryuu – Third Moon Depths - c: Junko Tamiya / a: KM Brothers - 00:15:40
08 - (JC) Dungeon Explorer 2 – Ancient Ruins of Hyvoris - Masaaki Inoue, Akihiro Honma - 00:18:07
09 - (BH) Ys 1 & 2 – Fountain of Love - c: Yuzo Koshiro / a: Mieko Ishikawa - 00:20:09
10 - (JH) Cyber Dodge – Garden - Einosuke Nagao - 00:21:30
11 - (JH) Cratermaze – Evil Dante - Jun Chikuma, Keita Hoshi, Toshiaki Takimoto, Masaru Takahashi, and/or Takayuki Iwabuchi - 00:24:05
12 - (JH) JJ & Jeff – Field 3 - Takeaki Kunimoto - 00:26:19
13 - (JH) City Hunter – Gone with the Beauty - Tatsumi Yano - 00:28:59
14 - (JH) Cross Wiber – Chapter 2 - Hiroto Saito - 00:31:52
15 - (BH) Afterburner II – Maximum Power - Hiroshi Kawaguchi, and/or Shigeharu Isoda - 00:34:42
16 - (BC) Ys 1 & 2 – To Make the End of Battle - c: Yuzo Koshiro / a: Mieko Ishikawa - 00:35:31
17 - (BC) Lords of Thunder – Boss 2 - Satoshi Miyashita - 00:37:24
18 - (BC) Ys 1 & 2 – Final Battle - c: Yuzo Koshiro / a: Mieko Ishikawa - 00:40:19
19 - (JC) Cotton – Boss 3 - Kenichi Hirata - 00:41:52
20 - (BH) Legendary Axe – Level 5 - Atsumi Chikuma and/or Toshiaki Takimoto - 00:44:53
21 - (JH) Military Madness – Player's Victory - Jun Chikuma and/or Toshiaki Takimoto - 00:47:34
22 - (JC) Ai Chou Aniki – Stage 2-1 - Iwasaki Taku - 00:50:08
23 - (JH) 1552 Tenka Dairan – Fine Day - Masao Asakawa - 00:52:30
24 - (JH) Doukyusuei – Miho Suzuki's Theme - Manabu Kunieda, Noriuki Iwadare, and/or Isao Mizoguchi - 00:55:24
25 - (JH) Kuusou Kagaku Sekai Gulliver Boy – Marseille City - Kouhei Tanaka, and/or Kazuhio Sawada - 00:57:32
26 - (JH) Bomberman 93 – Map - Jun Chikuma and/or Keita Hoshi - 01:00:54
27 - (JH) Neutopia II – Cave 3 - Toshiaki Takamoto - 01:02:26
28 - (BH) Legendary Axe - Level 2 - Atsumi Chikuma and/or Toshiaki Takimoto - 01:04:48
29 - (JC) Shadow of the Beast – In Dark Passages - c: David Whittaker / a: Unknown - 01:06:50
30 - (BC) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood - Vampire Killer - Mikio Saitou, Akiropito, Kinuyo Yamashita, and/or Satoe Terashima - 01:13:18
31 - (BC) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood – Beginning - Mikio Saitou, Akiropito, Kinuyo Yamashita, and/or Satoe Terashima - 01:14:59
32 - (JC) Legend of Xanadu – The Successor - Mieko Ishikawa, Atsushi Shirakawa, Naoki Kaneda, Takahiro Tsunashima, Masaru Nakajima, and/or Hirofumi Matsuoka - 01:17:22
33 - (JC) Ai Chou Aniki – Stage 2-2 - Iwasaki Taku - 01:19:45
34 - (JC) Dungeon Explorer 2 – Outside Ref, the Pyramid of Ice - Masaaki Inoue, Akihiro Honma - 01:22:32
35 - (JH) Tengai Makyou: Fuun Kabuki Den – Parting Theme - Kohei Tanaka, Keiti Hoshi - 01:24:36
36 - (JH) Yawara! – Title - Mori Hideaki - 01:27:17
37 - (JH) Sekigahara – Music 3 - Koji Hayama - 01:29:47
38 - (JH) Bonk's Revenge – Ice Land - Hirohiko Takayama - 01:34:39
39 - (BH) Bonk's Adventure – Title - Tsukasa Masuko and/or Hirohiko Takayama - 01:36:33
40 - (JH) Shinobi – Level Theme 1 - c: Yasuhiro Kawakami / a: Unknown - 01:38:22
41 - (JC) Gain Ground SX – Europe in the Midde Ages - c: You Takada and/or Katsuhiro Hayashi / a: Unknown - 01:40:04
42 - Outro - 01:44:17
Music Block Runtime: 01:41:20, Total Episode Runtime: 01:56:45
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights. Composer and track info vetted by "Pidge".
You can find the Turbotastic Podcast at:
turbotasticpodcast.libsyn.com, or on Stitcher, Spotify, iTunes, as well as on Facebook and Twitter at:
FB: @TurbotasticPodcast
TW: @TheTurbotastic
Here's the link to the spreadsheet with all the eligible tracks for Best of 2019 (C1E55). I look forward to receiving your track submissions, and sharing your combined contributions with the world! :-)
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
In delayed celebration of the delayed release of the Turbografx16 mini / PC Engine mini / CoreGrafx mini, our rerun this month will not be one episode, but three - each part of our three part mini-series on the TG16 / PC Engine from September of last year, which was made in conjunction with Bryce Dumond of the Turbotastic Podcast (a fantastic TG16/PCE "game by game" pod). The only difference being that instead of running them parts 1, 2, and 3, we are running them part 3, 2, and 1. This was originally planned for March, and planned to have part 1's rerun date coincide with the release of the mini on it's original release date of 03/19/20 as something of a "grand finale". When COVID pushed back the system's release indefinitely, it scrubbed this rerun scheme along with it. When the system finally did launch last month, it was with insufficient head's up to allow for my mini-series rerun scheme to materialize. So, here in June is our first opportunity. I hope you will accept / indulge the mulligan, enjoy the episodes if you've never heard them before...and enjoy them anew if you have.
Please note that due to the attached ear catcher at the beginning regarding Best of 2019, the time stamps in the track list will be off by a minute, minute and a half. Up against a deadline to put this down for a couple months, I did not have time to update the time stamps accordingly. They're still reasonably close, I suppose. :-)
01 - Intro - 00:00:00
02 - RyuuKyuu – Title Screen - Yasushi Kawasaki, and/or Hiroto Saitoh - 00:03:06
03 - Cross Wiber – Story Out - Hiroto Saitoh - 00:03:28
04 - Air Zonk – Opening - Daisuke Morshima and/or Hisashi Matsushita - 00:05:31
05 - Startling Odyssey II – Hamil's Lodge - Kenji Ikeda - 00:07:20
06 - Dungeon Explorer – Town - Tsukasa Masuko - 00:08:56
07 - Dragon Spirit – Stage 1 - Shinji Hosoe - 00:10:48
08 - Shockman - BGM 1 - Koji Hayama - 00:15:55
09 - Doraemon - Boss Battle - Maki Watanabe, Yoko Motoshuku, and/or Eiji Hasegawa - 00:19:05
10 - Metal Stoker – Floating Fortress (Stage 7) - Hiroto Saitoh - 00:20:48
11 - Dungeon Explorer – Dungeon 2 - Tsukasa Masuko - 00:22:49
12 - Psychosis – Stage 3 - Daisuke Morishima and/or Hisashi Matsushita - 00:24:38
13 - Jigoku Meguri – Stage 3 - Hisayoshi Ogura and/or Yasuhisa Watanabe - 00:25:51
14 - Vigilante – Level 2 - c: Masato Ishizaki / a: Unknown - 00:27:16
15 - Military Madness – Enemy's Victory - Jun Chikuma and/or Toshiaki Takimoto - 00:29:11
16 - Shockman – BGM 3 - Koji Hayama - 00:39:20
17 - Vigilante – Level 4 - c: Masato Ishizaki / a: Unknown - 00:33:04
18 - Legendary Axe II – Stage 6 - Tsukasa Masuko - 00:34:52
19 - Devil's Crush – Bonus 2, 5 - Toshiaki Sakoda and/or Masanobu Tsukamoto - 00:38:51
20 - Snatcher – The Entrance to Hell - Konami Kukeiha Club - 00:40:59
21 - Jigoku Meguri – Stage 4 - Hisayoshi Ogura and/or Yasuhisa Watanabe - 00:43:19
22 - Bomberman - Track 10 - Jun Chikuma and/or Keita Hoshi - 00:44:48
23 - Metal Stoker – Big Molecular (Boss 2) - Hiroto Saitoh - 00:46:24
24 - Magical Chase – Final Stage - Hitoshi Sakimoto and/or Masaharu Iwata - 00:48:19
25 - Military Madness – Opening - Jun Chikuma and/or Toshiaki Takimoto - 00:51:54
26 - Barunba – Stage 1 - M. Itoh, H. Nishikawa - 00:52:46
27 - Air Zonk – Friend Select - Daisuke Morshima and/or Hisashi Matsushita - 00:54:17
28 - Street Fighter 2CE – Balrog - Yoko Shimomura - 00:55:13
29 - Battle Royale – Spitfire Spike Win - Kyle Johnson - 00:57:04
30 - Hisou Kihei X-Serd – Opening 1 - Koji Hayama - 00:59:19
31 - Tatsujin – Unknown (Stage 5) - Masahiro Yuge - 01:02:03
32 - Dragon Spirit – Stage 4 - Shinji Hosoi - 01:04:18
33 - Obocchama Kun - Stage 1 - Junya Kozakai and/or Ako Matsudaira - 01:07:24
34 - Bomberman - Invincibility - Jun Chikuma and/or Keita Hoshi - 01:09:15
35 - 1552 Tenka Dairan – Get in Get Out - Masao Asakawa - 01:10:37
36 - Super Daisenraku – Track 4 - c: M. Asatomi / a: Unknown - 01:14:51
37 - Takeda Shingen – Boss - Unknown - 01:16:53
38 - Tengai Makyou 2 – Lightweight Vehicle - Joe Hisaishi, Hirohiko Fukada, and/or Keita Hoshi - 01:18:16
39 - Coryoon – Sound Test - Daisuke Morishima and/or Hisashi Matsushita - 01:19:49
40 - Alien Crush – Bonus 2 - Toshiaki Sakoda - 01:21:40
41 - Neutopia II – Cave 2 - Toshiaki Takamoto - 01:23:22
42 - Street Fighter 2CE – Chun Li - Yoko Shimomura - 01:25:11
43 - Takeda Shingen – Stage 4 - Unknown - 01:27:03
44 - Tengai Makyou: Fuun Kabuki Den – Reminiscence: Daimonkyou - Kohei Tanaka and/or Keita Hoshi - 01:28:51
45 - Yawara! 2 – Track 13 - Hisanori Oushiro - 01:30:52
46 - Tengai Makyou 2 - Goodnight - Joe Hisaishi, Hirhiko Fukada, and/or Keita Hoshi - 01:32:51
47 - Bomberman 93 – Password - Jun Chikuma and/or Keita Hoshi - 01:34:53
48 - Youkai Douchuuki – Main Theme - Hiroyuki Kawada - 01:36:13
49 - Tenchi Muyou Ryououki – Track 23 - Natsuko Karedou, Kayoko Maeda, and/or Shiori Ueno - 01:41:24
50 - Lady Sword: Ryakudatsu Sareta 10 Nin no Otome – Track 5 - Unknown - 01:43:30
51 - Magical Chase – Ending (Raka Raka Mode) - Hitoshi Sakimoto and/or Masaharu Iwata - 01:44:18
52 - Outro - 01:46:56
53 - Blooper Reel - 01:58:28
Music Block Runtime: 01:43:53, Total Episode Runtime: 02:10:45
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights. Composer and track info vetted by "Pidge".
You can find the Turbotastic Podcast at:
turbotasticpodcast.libsyn.com, or on Stitcher, Spotify, iTunes, as well as on Facebook and Twitter at:
FB: @TurbotasticPodcast
TW: @TheTurbotastic
Here's the link to the spreadsheet with all the eligible tracks for Best of 2019 (C1E55). I look forward to receiving your track submissions, and sharing your combined contributions with the world! :-)
Sunday May 31, 2020
Special Announcement - June 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
A quick update regarding the all-call for listener-picked track submissions for December's upcoming Best of 2019. List of eligible tracks can be found here:
A quick update on a TG16 mini celebration deferred - centered around a triple rerun of last Sept's TG16 mini-series created in collaboration with Bryce Dumond of the Turbotastic Podcast. As such, this special announcement ends with a replay of a small chunk from the Golden Episode describing the TG16 mini-series.
Lastly, a quick update on a brief break / vacation from show production on the part of your intrepid host, and a body of reruns to keep content coming.
Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
In celebrating my receipt of the all-new Turbografx16 Mini yesterday, I thought that I would share my own personal Turbografx story from my childhood. Unfortunately, I don't have a recording that is nothing by the TG story. But what I do have is the Channel F Introduction post, which not only contains my TG16 story (centered around Christmas 1992 / December 2000), but also my "NES Story" - Christmas 1989, which, apart from the simply terrible production value as my very first release (even before the release of Episode 1) is just an incredible story! And in my opinion, the Christmas 92 story is not that far behind it in terms of story worthiness.
I don't know whether I'd stand behind every single word I say in this recording, but I know one thing that hasn't diminished is my love for the TG16 / PC Engine. In fact, as a make-up for not doing this in March, I believe our rerun cycle for June will also center around the TG16...specifically, a certain mini-series co-starring Bryce Dumond of the Turbotastic Podcast!
Stay Tuned!
Meanwhile, enjoy this surprise bonus rerun - a surprise even to me, as I had not planned to do this until I had the Mini hooked up, and was playing through game after game of greatness! Whether you're a TG16 veteran, have only had the most fleeting brushes with it, have never played one....or perhaps have not even heard of it, you owe it to yourself to try it out! If you've got a spare $100 laying about, I STRONGLY recommend you pick up one of your own!
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
With today's rerun, I wanted to provide the listener with a taste of "normalcy". We haven't had a truly "normal" episode since at least C1E48 (October 2018), and arguably.....not since this episode first released almost exactly one year ago. It's been a wonderful year for the show in terms of innovative, ambitious, and quality output. But it's been a terrible year for the show in terms of giving newcomers an idea of what to expect from it.
So let's get back to center with today's Rerun: C1E44: TwoFer Tuesday - vol 5.
For the newcomers, a "TwoFer Tuesday" is a free play (no theme), but in pairs. So, two pieces from each game. This is our most recent TwoFer Tuesday episode. Also, over on our secondary "dedicated reruns feed"....unsurprisingly called "Nerd Noise Radio Reruns", I am sharing our very first TwoFer Tuesday - C1E4, all the way back from February 2017. Not only are both well known and beloved episodes, both both episodes saw heavy feature in our recent Backtracks series. But most of all, I wanted to be able to use the two episodes to demonstrate the paradox of how very much, and yet how very little the show has moved in its time. On how much we've improved - especially in terms of intro/outro production, and yet, just how true to ourselves we have remained. I feel like these two are separated by a "paper thin grand canyon", the tiniest of differences......the hugest of differences.
I hope you'll enjoy both! Here's the link to that rerun:
Thanks so much for listening, and as always....wherever you are....Fly the N!!!
Track Number / Game (Composer) / Track Names (Composers) / Time Stamp
01 - Intro - 00:00:00
02 - Daytona USA - Saturn - Takenobu Mitsuyoshi and/or David Leytze
King of Speed - 00:02:09
Sky High - 00:06:54
03 - WipEout - PS1 - Cold Storage
Messij - 00:11:29
Cardinal Dancer - 00:16:40
04 - Shadow Squadron - 32X - Teruhiko Nakagawa and/or Masaru Setsumaru
Mission 5 - 00:21:56
Mission 4 - 00:23:28
05 - Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf - Genesis - Tokuhiko Uwabo
BGM 2 - 00:26:48
Score - 00:28:22
06 - Streets of Rage 3 - Genesis - Motohiro Kawashima and Yuzo Koshiro
Moon - 00:30:08
The Poets 1 - 00:34:11
07 - DATAWING - iOS/Android
ESPIRIT.wav - ESPRIT 空想 - 00:37:22
Closeness - Eyeliner - 00:40:50
08 - Link: The Faces of Evil - CD-I - Tony Trippi
Nortinka - 00:43:24
Militron - 00:44:59
09 - Double Dragon 2 - PC Engine - Hiroyuki Togo
Level 2 - 00:47:39
Level 6 - 00:50:38
10 - Landstalker - Genesis - Motoaki Takenouchi
Beneath the Mysterious Tree - 00:53:23
Mysterious Island - 00:54:36
11 - Wizards and Warriors 3 - NES - David Wise
The Wise Men - 00:57:05
Knights Guild - 00:58:18
12 - Kabuki Quantum Fighter - NES - Masaki Hashimoto and/or Takahiro Wakuta
Round 1 - 01:00:12
Round 2 - 01:01:28
13 - Snafu - Intellivision - Russell Lieblich
BGM 1 - 01:02:32
BGM 2 - 01:02:53
14 - N++ - Multi
Trivium - C Y G N - 01:03:32
Shower Curtain - Planet Boelex - 01:07:17
15 - GT Sport -PS4 - Lenny Ibizarre
All About the Girl - 01:13:47
What Can You Do? - 01:17:48
16 - Final Fantasy X - PS2 - Masashi Hamauzu, Junya Nakano, and/or Nobuo Uematsu
Blazing Sands - 01:22:52
Besaid Island - 01:25:50
17 - Final Fantasy XV - multi - Yoko Shimomura
Noctis' Dream - 01:28:20
Relax and Reflect - 01:31:39
18 - Wii News Channel - Wii - Kazumi Totaka
Tip Cat - 01:34:42
Slideshow (Night) - 01:37:36
19 - Outro - 01:41:04
Music Block Runtime: 01:38:57, Total Episode Runtime: 01:49:26
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights. Composer and track info vetted by "Pidge".
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Channel F - Backtracks: The OTHER 50!
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
[edit: A technical glitch I caught fairly quickly: if you go to listen to this, and it stops about an hour and 44 minutes in, and/or the timestamps behave all weirdly, delete it, mark it unread, and download it again, then you'll get the full episode....first timer blues, we'll call it.] :-)
You are tuned to Nerd Noise Radio – Channel F. Today’s “F-isode” is significant not only for being only the second F-isode we’ve had in over a year, when they used to be quite a bit more common, but is also significant for being the first ever production of Nerd Noise Radio of any type to be produced entirely on Linux. Historically, the show has been produced on Mac. With a small backlog of previously-produced, but not-yet-released music blocks that were, of course, produced on the Mac still in reserve for future episodes, it will be some time yet before the Mac presence fades from the show completely. But it is my hope to do the lion’s share of future all-new production on Linux moving forward. So, the shift will be a glide, rather than a snap. But that shift starts...here.
Longtime listeners of the show will know full well what a Channel F F-isode is, but a pair of really beautiful things happened early this month which will have brought new attention to the show, from faces as near and dear as my fellow Des Moinesers (and surrounding communities), to as far-flung as Linux fans all the world over. For an explanation of what Channel F is, and how it relates to Nerd Noise Radio as a whole for the newcomers, as well as the details of who and what the new faces are, and how all that came about, see below. Also, for a descripton of how this F-isode relates to our April Fool’s episode, “Backtracks”, see the blog....or just sit, back, relax, and enjoy, as you listen to.....”The OTHER 50”!
Timestamps provided, but track details withheld for now in case anyone wanted to play the guessing game on the tracks. A follow-up blog post on April 30th will provide the entire track list information for both Backtracks and for today’s outing. So, be on the lookout for that.
In the meantime, enjoy!
Mystery Tracklist (a blogspot.com article with full tracklist info will be coming in the following days)
01) Intro – 00:00:00
02) Track 01 – 00:12:13
03) Track 02 – 00:16:33
04) Track 03 – 00:19:44
05) Track 04 – 00:21:21
06) Track 05 – 00:23:01
07) Track 06 – 00:25:06
08) Track 07 – 00:27:36
09) Track 08 – 00:32:38
10) Track 09 – 00:36:45
11) Track 10 – 00:40:02
12) Track 11 – 00:41:10
13) Track 12 – 00:42:56
14) Track 13 – 00:46:40
15) Track 14 – 00:50:00
16) Track 15 – 00:51:26
17) Track 16 – 00:54:49
18) Track 17 – 00:58:00
19) Track 18 – 01:00:05
20) Track 19 – 01:02:23
21) Track 20 – 01:08:44
22) Track 21 – 01:13:03
23) Track 22 – 01:16:12
24) Track 23 – 01:18:45
25) Track 24 – 01:20:31
26) Track 25 – 01:22:05
27) Track 26 – 01:22:43
28) Track 27 – 01:25:59
29) Track 28 – 01:29:13
30) Track 29 – 01:31:26
31) Track 30 – 01:33:36
32) Track 31 – 01:34:43
33) Track 32 – 01:36:48
34) Track 33 – 01:38:24
35) Track 34 – 01:40:05
36) Track 35 – 01:42:07
37) Track 36 – 01:44:22
38) Track 37 – 01:47:47
39) Track 38 – 01:49:03
40) Track 39 – 01:50:46
41) Track 40 – 01:55:13
42) Track 41 – 01:58:37
43) Track 42 – 02:04:06
44) Track 43 – 02:06:22
45) Track 44 – 02:08:51
46) Track 45 – 02:10:06
47) Track 46 – 02:11:09
48) Track 47 – 02:12:12
49) Track 48 – 02:15:24
50) Track 49 – 02:21:46
51) Track 50 – 02:25:58
Total Episode Runtime: 02:28:13
About the new faces: Jeff Pitts of Des Moines Cityview Magazine did a mini-vignette on four local podcasters, and reached out to me to be one of them. The mini-article appears in the April Issue of the magazine which can be viewed online (Link below). In addition to that, Jason Evangelho, a tech-writer for Forbes Magazine who focuses on Linux very generously boosted my tweets about my first production in Linux, which went on to become the most liked and retweeted tweet in my history on the platform. I make it a point to look at “the numbers” as little as possible, so I don’t know how many (if any) of the new faces stuck around. But certainly a number of them at least had a peek. If you are a new face, either brought to the show through the Cityview article, or through Jason’s buff of my tweet, get a hold of me to let me know you’re here!
Presuming we did have at least a few stick around, I should give an explanation of what Channel F is, relative to Channel 1, and Archive Super Bonuses, so you know how this show works. I will do so at length on the blogspot version of this episode, where the blog format is more accommodating of lengthiness. But I will give you a brief overview here:
Channel 1: This is “the show proper”. These are “the actual episodes”. On average, 10 fresh episodes a year (with reruns to fill in the blanks). Other than extraordinary circumstances, they follow a standard “enhanced mixtape” format: a short, semi-standard intro, and standard housekeeping outro bookending a winding, twisting journey through sound. We have had quite the spate of non-standard “Channel 1” Episodes of late though, so for the newcomers, I wanted to stress what “normal” looks like. We don’t anticipate having anything else non-standard for several months moving forward.
Channel F: This is my side-outlet for bonuses, betas, extras. It can be virtually anything. And additional mixtape music block (like today), but has been all sorts of things. We even had one that was an exposition on a certain episode’s outro. Anything that doesn’t fit in Channel 1, but that I still want to have full attention (podcast feed, blog, social media, Archive.org, etc) becomes a Channel F “F-isode”.
Super Bonuses: These are for the times where I have something that I felt was worth producing, and felt was worth putting out there, but did not want to clog up the podcast feed, or the blog, or social media with. Generally, it takes the form of remixes and twists on existing content. Since they only come out on Archive, and not anywhere else, and since they’re not really advertised, this creates a nice “underground” quality to them. I usually drop hints inside Episodes and F-isodes if there are any Super Bonuses planned. But beyond that, a person just needs to know to be on the lookout. They will release even less consistently than F-isodes, but will also tend to be in bursts around certain episodes that are rich for alternate twists on their content.
See the blogspot version of this episode if you’d like to know more about these. Link below. Meanwhile, our next all-new episode is planned for August, though I do have some really great reruns lined up for the months between. Even those will still constitute much more of a “return to normalcy” for the show than what our past several months of fresh content offers, so a great chance to “get to know us” I hope you will enjoy! We also have a secondary podcast feed which is dedicated entirely to reruns, which will feature reruns different than the ones on the main feed, if you wish to explore even more Nerd Noise Radio history. It can be found on your podcatcher of choice by the name “Nerd Noise Radio Reruns”.
Link to the Cityview Article:
http://dmcityview.com/CityviewApril2020/html5/index.html?page=1&noflash (page 50)
You can find previous articles by Jeff by searching www.dmcityview.com or as compiled on Muck Rack:
Link to Jason Evangelho’s Forbes articles (@killyourfm on Twitter)
Link to Blogspot version of today’s “F-isode” (for the long version the Channels descriptions, etc.)
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
"Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E52: Backtracks”
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Today’s broadcast is C1E52 for Wayback Wednesday, April 1st, 2020. It’s April 1st, dear listeners, and we haven’t had a retrospective in AGES! In such dark, uncertain days as we face today, it’s extra important to have a look back at brighter, clearer, saner days as a reminder that as the wheel of time continues to churn, we will inexorably find our way back.
So, sit back and relax as we travel back through 2hrs 25min, and 56 sec of Nerd Noise History and Nostalgia on a program we’re calling “Backtracks”.
As a twist, I am actually withholding the track list in the show notes. Call it a game. See how many tracks you can recognize and identify as you are surprised and delighted with what a change of perspective occurs when you turn back time. So, get ready……for “Backtracks”!
It is certain to be an experience unlike any other!
Mystery Tracklist (a blogspot.com article with full tracklist info will be coming in the following weeks)
01) Intro – 00:00:00
02) Track 01 – 00:02:39
03) Track 02 – 00:06:25
04) Track 03 – 00:10:32
05) Track 04 – 00:13:41
06) Track 05 – 00:17:21
07) Track 06 – 00:23:51
08) Track 07 – 00:28:12
09) Track 08 – 00:31:09
10) Track 09 – 00:33:07
11) Track 10 – 00:35:22
12) Track 11 – 00:37:41
13) Track 12 – 00:39:16
14) Track 13 – 00:43:26
15) Track 14 – 00:45:10
16) Track 15 – 00:47:32
17) Track 16 – 00:49:57
18) Track 17 – 00:51:31
19) Track 18 – 00:54:28
20) Track 19 – 00:56:56
21) Track 20 – 00:58:29
22) Track 21 – 01:00:09
23) Track 22 – 01:02:50
24) Track 23 – 01:11:56
25) Track 24 – 01:14:55
26) Track 25 – 01:17:52
27) Track 26 – 01:19:42
28) Track 27 – 01:22:55
29) Track 28 – 01:25:58
30) Track 29 – 01:28:59
31) Track 30 – 01:31:23
32) Track 31 – 01:33:54
33) Track 32 – 01:35:22
34) Track 33 – 01:39:08
35) Track 34 – 01:40:29
36) Track 35 – 01:44:56
37) Track 36 – 01:47:58
38) Track 37 – 01:50:53
39) Track 38 – 01:55:14
40) Track 39 – 01:58:32
41) Track 40 – 02:00:27
42) Track 41 – 02:04:40
43) Track 42 – 02:06:11
44) Track 43 – 02:08:38
45) Track 44 – 02:10:25
46) Track 45 – 02:11:44
47) Track 46 – 02:13:41
48) Track 47 – 02:15:16
49) Track 48 – 02:18:26
50) Track 49 – 02:21:38
51) Track 50 – 02:23:48
52) Outro – 02:28:39
Music Block Runtime: 02:25:56, Total Episode Runtime: 02:54:06
Our Intro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights. Our Outro Music is Malo Mart from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on GameCube and Wii, composed by Toru Minegishi, Asuka Ota, and/or Koji Kondo
The "Nerd Noise Radio - RERUNS!" channel can be found here:
or here
You can also find all of our audio episodes on Archive.org
Our YouTube Channel can be found here:
Our episodes (and occasionally, other content) can be found on our blog here:
Nerd Noise Radio is also available on The Retro Junkies Network at www.theretrojunkies.com, and is a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community at
Or, if you wish to connect with us directly, we have two groups of our own:
Nerd Noise Radio - Easy Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276843385859797/ for sharing tracks, video game news, or just general videogame fandom.
Nerd Noise Radio - Expert Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381475162016534/ for going deep into video game sound hardware, composer info, and/or music theory.
Lastly, you can also follow us on Twitter at @NerdNoiseRadio.
The Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe used in the outro is “Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies” from the Sally’s Baking Addiction blog. You can find the recipe here: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/chewy-chocolate-chip-cookies/
Thanks for listening! Join us again in July or August for Episode TBD - Delicious VGM on "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds"! And wherever you are - Fly the N!
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Today’s broadcast is C1E51 for Mishmash Monday, February 3rd, 2020. Today’s broadcast is Mishmash Monday - vol 9. The inaugural episode of Season 40, and a special celebration of St. John's 40th birthday, guest hosted by various members of his family.
01 - Ear Catcher - 00:00:00
02 - Intro - 00:00:12
03 - Sonic CD - Sega CD - Stardust Speedway Zone (Past) - Naofumi Hataya and/or Masafumi Ogata - 00:02:10
04 - FIFA 20 - Multi - Vámano - Buscabulla - 00:04:33
05 - Prey - multi - Everything's gonna be Okay - Mick Gordon - 00:07:57
06 - Lumines II - PSP - Star Guitar - The Chemical Brothers - 00:12:37
07 - Jurassic Park - SNES - River - Jonathan Dunn - 00:18:58
08 - TMNT: TF - Genesis - Sisyphus Stage - Miki Higashino - 00:21:10
09 - Jet Set Radio - Dreamcast - Funky Radio (IN-GAME VERSION) - BB Rights - 00:25:32
10 - Dragon Sabre - Arcade - Volcano - Shinji Hosoe - 00:28:56
11 - Last Resort - Neo Geo - The Melting Point - Toshio Shimizu and/or Yasuo Yamate - 00:32:28
12 - Wolfenstein 3d - PC (Adlib) - Zero Hour - Bobby Prince - 00:35:03
13 - Zillion - Mastersystem - Computer Room – Tokuhiko Uwabo - 00:37:16
14 - Mountain King - Atari 2600 - Flame Spirit (an arrangement of "Anitra's Dance") - c: Edvard Grieg a: E. F. Dryer and/or Ed Salvo - 00:38:00
15 - P.O.W. - NES - Inside Truck – Toshikazu Tanaka and/or Kikuto Hataya - 00:39:49
16 - Spiderman - Genesis - Cavern - Mark Miller, John Karr, and/or David Javelosa - 00:41:42
17 - Teki Paki - Arcade - Quick, Junk, Sequence - Tomoaki Takenohashi - 00:44:28
18 - Vegas Stakes - SNES - The 2020 - Kimitaka and/or Manami Matsumae - 00:48:51
19 - Splatoon 2 (Octo Expansion) - SWITCH! - frisk - DedF1sh - 00:50:38
20 - Vindicators Part II - Arcade - Target Select - Brad Fuller and/or Hal Canon - 00:52:48
21 - Deneb - Atari 8-bit - Song 2 (Title) - Robert Drag - 00:53:12
22 - Tube Panic - Arcade - Attract Mode - Ichiro Takagi - 00:54:08
23 - Bosconian - X68000 - Blast Power - Yuzo Koshiro - 00:55:59
24 - Yuu Yuu Hakusho: Makyou Toitsusen - Mega Drive - Sub-Space 2 BGM - Aki Hata, Katsuhiko Suzuki - 00:58:45
25 - Hyperzone - SNES - Title Theme - Jun Ishikawa - 01:02:07
26 - Chaos Seed Feng Shui Kairouki - SFC - The Last Hermit's Cave – Yasunori Shiono, Katsuhiro Hayashi, and/or Yukio Nakajima - 01:03:15
27 - A Dinosaur's Tale - Genesis - Cecilia's Apartment (track 04)- Kim Jensen - 01:05:28
28 - Grim Fandango - PC - Neon Ledge - Peter McConnell - 01:07:17
29 - God of War - PS4 - Witch of the Woods - Bear McCreary - 01:08:18
30 - Lost Eden - CD-I - Moorkus Rex's Lair – Stephane Picq - 01:11:11
31 - Splatoon 2 (Octo Expansion) - SWITCH! - regret - DedF1sh - 01:12:57
32 - Silent Hill 2 - PS2 - Betrayal - Akira Yamaoka - 01:15:42
33 - Doom - PC - Nobody Told Me About Id (E2M8) - Bobby Prince - 01:18:24
34 - Metroid Prime 2 - Quadraxis Battle - Kenji Yamamoto - 01:21:11
35 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - multi - Adrenaline - Jack Wall - 01:24:07
36 - Final Fantasy XIII-2 - PS3 - Paradigm Shift - Masashi Hamauzu, Naoshi Mizuta, and/or Mitsuto Suzuki - 01:27:27
37 - PILcaSEX - PC98 - Groove Machine - Muse - 01:31:10
38 - Castlevania II - Gameboy - Praying Hands - Hidehiro Funauchi - 01:33:09
39 - Sonic 3D Blast - Genesis - The Final Fight - Jun Senoue, Tatsuyuki Maeda, Seirou Okamoto, Masaru Setsumaru - 01:36:04
40 - F-Zero - SNES - Silence - Yukio Kaneoka - 01:37:52
41 - Metroid Prime 3 - Wii - Skytown - Kenji Yamamoto, Minako Hamano, and/or Masaru Tajima - 01:40:31
42 - Snatcher - Sega CD - Tear-Stained Eyes - Konami Kukeiha Club - 01:43:53
43 - Outro - 01:48:44
44 - Exit Earcatcher - 02:09:30
45 - Blooper Reel - 02:09:57
Music Block Runtime: 01:46:43, Total Episode Runtime: 02:45:42
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio, on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights, and Happy Birthday from Gimmick, on the Famicom, composed by Masashi Kageyama. Our outro music is Neighborhood 2 from The Sims, on the PC, composed by Jerry Martin and/or Marc Russo.
The "Nerd Noise Radio - RERUNS!" channel can be found here:
or here
You can also find all of our audio episodes on Archive.org
Our YouTube Channel can be found here:
Our episodes (and occasionally, other content) can be found on our blog here:
Nerd Noise Radio is also available on The Retro Junkies Network at www.theretrojunkies.com, and is a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community at
Or, if you wish to connect with us directly, we have two groups of our own:
Nerd Noise Radio - Easy Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276843385859797/ for sharing tracks, video game news, or just general videogame fandom.
Nerd Noise Radio - Expert Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381475162016534/ for going deep into video game sound hardware, composer info, and/or music theory.
Lastly, you can also follow us on Twitter at @NerdNoiseRadio.
Thanks for listening! Join us again April 1st for a very special bonus retrospective. Delicious VGM on "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds"! And wherever you are - Fly the N!
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
NNR Reruns: C1E40: Listener Picks - vol 1 (originally released 12/20/2018)
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Special Rerun NOTE: all three of the reruns chosen in January and February (Jan on main feed, and Jan/Feb on rerun feed) were chosen because they have a special connection to C1E51, which hits the C1E51 feed Feb 3rd, 2020.
Today’s broadcast is Episode 40 for Theme Thursday, December 20th, 2018. Today’s Theme is Listener Picks on a program we're calling "Listener Picks - vol. 1". Guest curated by the listeners - guest hosted by the listeners!
01 - Prologue - 00:00:00
02 - Intro - 00:00:10
03 - Wizards and Warriors – NES – Opening Theme – David Wise – Phillip Vaughn - 00:02:38
04 - Super Smash Bros. Ulitmate - SWITCH – Lifelight (Main Theme – English Vocals) - Hideki Sakamoto – The Messenger - 00:03:13
05 - Twisted Metal 4 – PS1 – Neon City – Chuck Doud – Phillip Vaughn - 00:06:56
06 - King of Fighters 2000 – multi – Inner Shade – Hideki Asanaka, Marimo, USAKO-X, Yasuo Yamate, and/or ZOE – Justin Regan - 00:11:20
07 - Undertale - multi - Metal Crusher - Toby Fox - Jeshua Lack - 00:14:36
08 - Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna FX: Kanashimi no Siren – PCFX – BGM# 20 – Takanori Arisawa and/or Aya Tanaka – KeyGlyph - 00:16:51
09 - Tower of Heaven – PC – Luna Ascension – Flashygoodness – Adam Huisman - 00:18:17
10 - Alter Ego Dreamwalker – multi – Hunters (Menu) - Coda, and/or Kulor – Chris Murray - 00:20:43
11 - PunchOut - NES - In-Game Theme - Yukio Kaneoka, Akito Nakatsuka and/or Kenji Yamamoto - Brian Peterson - 00:21:56
12 - Crackin' DJ Part 2 - Arcade - Seven O' Clock - c: Hiroshi Kawaguchi / a: Mitsuharu Fukuyama - Electric Boogaloo - 00:23:40
13 - Toe Jam and Earl – Genesis – Rapmaster Rocket Racket – John Baker – Jeshua Lack - 00:25:47
14 - Runner 3 – multi – CommanderVideo Runs Again – Matthew Harwood – Kris Randazzo - 00:29:36
15 - Majula Frontier – PC – Into the Abyss – Dale North – Chris Murray - 00:32:31
16 - DOOM (2016) - multi – Transistor Fist – Mick Gordon – Eric Barks - 00:34:35
17 - Castlevania III - NES – Riddle – Konami Kukeiha Club – Valerie Wedgeworth - 00:40:37
18 - Wild Guns - SNES - Final Fight - Hiroyuki Iwatsuki and/or Harou Ohashi - Deirdre Fischer (aka Pieness 64) - 00:41:40
19 - Genji Tsuushin Agedama – PC Engine – BGM# 06 – T's Music – KeyGlyph - 00:43:16
20 - Pigskin 621 A.D. - Arcade - First Half - Dan Forden - Electric Boogaloo - 00:44:57
21 - Aldynes: The Mission Code for Rage Crisis – Supergrafx – Stage 6 – Keita Hoshi – KeyGlyph - 00:48:00
22 - Skyroads – PC (AdLib) - Road 8 – Ott M. Aaloe, Hasso Bruck – Justin Regan - 00:49:29
23 - Lady Sword: Ryakudatsu Sareta 10 Nin no Otome – PC Engine – 1F-3F – Unknown – Justin Regan - 00:52:28
24 - Kirby's Dream Land - GameBoy - Castle Lololo - Jun Ishikawa - Brian Peterson - 00:54:08
25 - Earthbound – SNES – Onett Theme – Keiichi Suzuki, and/or Hirokazu (Hip) Tanaka – Phillip Vaughn - 00:56:03
26 - Kero Blaster – multi – Hinterland Fort (It's My Blaster)– Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya – Kris Randazzo - 00:58:23
27 - Mega Man 11 – multi – Bounce Man Stage – Marika Suzuki – Kris Randazzo - 01:01:47
28 - Super Hyperactive Ninja – multi – Tower 4 Main – Michael Nestrogen Raisner – Michael Nestrogen Raisner - 01:03:52
29 - Resident Evil – PS1 – End Credits – Makoto Tomozawa, Akira Kaida, and/or Masami Ueda – John Jekel - 01:05:39
30 - Modaozi - PC - Credits - Unknown - Oke Music - 01:08:41
31 - Metal Black - Arcade - Dual Moon - Yasuhisa Watanabe - Electric Boogaloo - 01:10:07
32 - Journey – PS3 / PS4 – Apothesis – Austin Wintory – Adam Huisman - 01:12:44
33 - Chrono Cross – PS1 – Dead Sea / Ruined Tower – Yasunori Mitsuda – Amber Peary - 01:19:31
34 - Legend of Mana – PS1 – City of Flickering Destruction – Yoko Shimomura – Amber Peary - 01:22:29
35 - Resident Evil 2 – PS1 – End Credits – Masami Ueda – John Jekel - 01:25:41
36 - Life is Strange – multi – Spanish Sahara – Foals – Amber Peary - 01:28:09
37 - Celeste – Multi – Resurrections – Lena Raine – Chris Murray - 01:34:46
38 - Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna FX: Kanashimi no Siren – PCFX – BGM# 04 - Takanori Arisawa and/or Aya Tanaka – KeyGlyph - 01:44:19
39 - Botanicula – multi – Juchu – DVA, Bara Kratochvilova, and/or Jan Kratochvilova – Adam Huisman - 01:47:01
40 - Ecco: Defender of the Future - Dreamcast – Hanging Waters - Tim Follin - Electric Boogaloo - 01:50:34
41 - Kerbal Space Program – multi – Space Music (Track 2) - Victor Machado – Jeshua Lack - 01:53:01
42 - Spark the Electric Jester – PC – Smog City Sewers (Stage 4) - Faulk Au Yeong, Pejman Roozbeh, James Landino, Andy Tunstall, Paul Bethers, and/or Michael Staple - The Diad - 01:54:36
43 - Outro - 01:58:47
44 - Blooper Reel - 02:12:48
Music Block Runtime: 01:56:13, Total Episode Runtime: 02:25:51
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio - Dreamcast - BB Rights