![[Channel F] Nerd Noise Radio Channel 2 2024 Season 4 All Music (Music-Only)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1455063/NNR_Channel_F_Avatar_2018_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
[Channel F] Nerd Noise Radio Channel 2 2024 Season 4 All Music (Music-Only)
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Season 4 (2024) - The Final Season of Channel 2!
70 Tracks
Season Runtime (MUSIC-ONLY vers.) - 03:27:17
Complete Season (MUSIC-ONLY vers.) Release Date: 12/08/2024
Episode: C2E16: "Songs with Words"
Original release date: 03/07/2024
Episode Theme: Game Music with Vocals
Theme Elaboration: N/A
Episode Theme by: Hugues
Episode Title by: Collaborative
Opening Track: Hugues
Closing Track: St. John
Full Episode Link (Podbean):
Music-Only SUPER BONUS Link (Archive dot org):
Episode Timestamps (this playlist): 00:00:00 - 00:59:57
Episode Runtime (MUSIC-ONLY vers.): 00:59:57
End of Show (post-outtakes) Bonus Tracks (not included in this mixtape):
- The debut episode of “Oddie HD” (St. John’s neurodivergence vlog - which has since not gotten a lot of legs under it - but you do get to see what St. John looks like…even if the camera angles and lighting are TERRIBLE!) :-D
Special Notes: The Episode where we announced that this would be the final season of Channel 2. Also, the episode where St. John announced his recent ethnic discoveries (trace amounts of Dutch, Finnish, Spanish / Portuguese, West African, North African, Coptic Egyptian, and Ashkenazi Jewish).
Track# (season) / Track# (episode) - Track - Game - System - Composer(s) - Vocalist(s) - Selected By - Timestamp
01 / 01) Shenhua (Vocal Version) - Shenmue - Dreamcast - c: Ryuji Iuichi (music) and Yumi Asada (lyrics) / a: Hayato Matsuo (orchestration) - Ioli - Hugues - 00:00:00
02 / 02) Connected (Yours Forever) - Tetris Effect: Connected - Multiplatform - Hydelic - Kate Brady - St. John - 00:03:46
03 / 03) Melodies of Life (English Version) - Final Fantasy IX - PS1 - Nobuo Uematsu (music) and Hioyuki Ito (lyrics) / a: Shiro Hamaguchi - Emiko Shiratori - Hugues - 00:09:04
04 / 04) Sky High - Daytona USA - Saturn - Takenobu Mitsuyoshi (music) and David R. Leytze (lyrics) - Takenobu Mitsuyoshi - St. John - 00:14:42
05 / 05) Instructor Mooselini's Rap - PaRappa the Rapper - PS1 - Izumi Amano and/or Ryu Watanabe - John Simpson III and Saundra Williams - Hugues - 00:19:18
06 / 06) My Intellivision - Intellivision Lives - Multiplatform - Tom Kahelin and/or Michael Schwartz - Michael Schwartz (?) - St. John - 00:21:17
07 / 07) Sea of Love - It Came from the Desert - TG16 - Kenneth Melville - Terence Kirby - Hugues - 00:25:51
08 / 08) Volver a Comenzar - Little Big Planet - PS3 - Cafe Tabvca - Cafe Tabvca - St. John - 00:28:03
09 / 09) A Crimson Rose and a Gin Tonic - Katamari Damacy PS2 - Asuka Sakai - Ado Mizumori - Hugues - 00:35:42
10 / 10) Sonic Boom (Ending Version) - Sonic CD (N/A) - Sega CD - Spencer Nilsen, Mark Young, and/or Pastiche - Pastiche - St. John - 00:40:10
11 / 11) Sora wo Miagete (Ending Version) - Trails in the Sky the 3rd - PSP - c: Takahiro Unisuga / a: Yukihiro Jindo - Kanako Kotera - Hugues - 00:43:45
12 / 12) Always Been but Never Dreamed - Tetris Effect: Connected - Multiplatform - Hydelic - Kate Brady - St. John - 00:49:33
13 / 13) Everything's Alright - To the Moon - PC - Ken Gao and/or Laura Shigihara - Laura Shigihara - Hugues - 00:53:42
14 / 14) Still Alive - Portal - Multiplatform - Jonathan Coulton - Ellen McClain (as GLaDOS) - St. John - 00:57:01
Episode: C2E17: "20th Century Floppies"
Original release date: 04/10/2024
Episode Theme: Pre-2000 music from computer games.
Theme Elaboration: N/A
Episode Theme by: St. John
Episode Title by: St. John
Opening Track: St. John
Closing Track: Hugues
Full Episode Link (Podbean):
Music-Only SUPER BONUS Link (Archive dot org):
Episode Timestamps (this playlist): 00:59:58 - 01:34:26
Episode Runtime (MUSIC-ONLY vers.): 00:34:32
End of Show (post-outtakes) Bonus Tracks (not included in this mixtape):
- Knight Arms - Traveller’s Tales [SLOWED DOWN]
- Sim Copter - Jazz 3 [SLOWED DOWN]
Special Notes: N/A
Track# (season) / Track# (episode) - Track - Game - System - Composer(s) - Selected By - Timestamp
15 / 01) Bootup Sequence - N/A (System Music) - FM Towns Marty - Unknown - St. John - 00:59:58
16 / 02) Meadow's Edge 2 - Apidya - Amiga - Chris Hulsbeck - Hugues - 01:01:30
17 / 03) Traveller's Tales (Stage 4-2) - Knight Arms - X68000 - Toshiya Yamanaka - St. John - 01:04:10
18 / 04) Title - Jaguar XJ220 - Amiga - Martin Iveson - Hugues - 01:06:32
19 / 05) Music #3 - LED Storm - C64 - Tim Follin - St. John - 01:09:18
20 / 06) High Score - Hawkeye - C64 - Jeroen Tel - Hugues - 01:11:43
21 / 07) Zanzibar Breeze - Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake - MSX (SCC) - Konami Kukeiha Club - St. John - 01:13:42
22 / 08) Britannic Lands - Ultima V - Atari ST - c: Kenneth W. Arnold / a: Wally Beben - Hugues - 01:16:42
23 / 09) The Demon's from Adrian's Pen - DOOM - PC (OPL3) - Bobby Prince - St. John - 01:17:57
24 / 10) Wondering About my Loved Ones - Wolfenstein 3D - PC DOS - Robert Prince - Hugues - 01:20:33
25 / 11) Swirls - Marathon - Mac (MIDI) - Alex Seropian - St. John - 01:22:55
26 / 12) Crystal Garden - King's Quest V - PC DOS - Ken Allen and/or Mark Seibert - Hugues - 01:25:09
27 / 13) Jazz 3 - Sim Copter - PC - Jerry Martin - St. John - 01:26:31
28 / 14) Angel Dust - Star Trader - PC88 - Mieko Ishikawa - Hugues - 01:31:32
Episode: C2E18: "It Never Happened"
Original release date: 07/04/2024
Episode Theme: Music from unfinished and unreleased games.
Theme Elaboration: N/A
Episode Theme by: Hugues
Episode Title by: Collaborative
Opening Track: Hugues
Closing Track: St. John
Full Episode Link (Podbean):
Music-Only SUPER BONUS Link (Archive dot org):
Episode Timestamps (this playlist): 01:34:29 - 02:10:22
Episode Runtime (MUSIC-ONLY vers.): 00:35:55
End of Show (post-outtakes) Bonus Tracks (not included in this mixtape):
- Time Trax - Stage 2 (theoretical 55Hz vers - this was the composer’s intended speed - would not actually sound this way on any region Genesis / Mega Drive - composer was aiming for the middle between fast 60Hz NTSC units and slow 50Hz PAL units)
- Time Trax - Stage 2 (60Hz - NTSC speed. This is how the track would’ve sounded on NA or JP Genesis / Mega Drive - remember that the 50Hz version is included in the episode - and in today’s playlist, and is how the track would’ve sounded on a PAL (EU) Mega Drive)
Special Notes: N/A
Track# (season) / Track# (episode) - Track - Game - System - Composer(s) - Selected By - Timestamp
29 / 01) Ending Theme - Fido Dido - Genesis - Matt Furniss - Hugues - 01:34:29
30 / 02) Options - Sonic X-treme - Saturn - Howard Drossin - St. John - 01:36:47
31 / 03) Levels 1, 2, 3 - X-Men Mind Games - 32X - Jesper Kyd - Hugues - 01:37:59
32 / 04) Lab Theme - Ninja Gaiden - Genesis - Unknown - St. John - 01:45:46
33 / 05) River Level - The A-Team - Master System - Jeroen Tel - Hugues - 01:47:29
34 / 06) Stage 2 (50Hz) - Time Trax - Genesis - Tim Follin - St. John - 01:49:17
35 / 07) The End of Worlds - Shadow of the Beast - SNES - c: David Whittaker / a: Unknown - Hugues - 01:51:53
36 / 08) Astral Race - Marble Madness II - Arcade - Brad Fuller and/or John Paul - St. John - 01:55:22
37 / 09) Tatsumarii Village - Earthbound 64 - N64 - Shogo Sakai - Hugues - 01:58:09
38 / 10) Peaceful Future 2052 - Time Diver Eon Man - NES - Tsukasa Masuko - St. John - 02:00:22
39 / 11) Menu - Sim City - NES - c: Soyo Oka and/or Koji Kondo / a: Unknown - Hugues - 02:01:57
40 / 12) Unknown City - Doxa - PS4 - Daniel Capo - St. John - 02:03:32
41 / 13) The Original Spelunkers - Bonk: Brink of Extinction - Multiplatform - Disasterpeace - Hugues - 02:04:41
42 / 14) Ending and Staff Roll - The Shadow - SNES - Jonathan Dunn - St. John - 02:07:31
Episode: C2E19: "Mystery Flavors"
Original release date: TBD
Episode Theme: Mystery Themes!
Theme Elaboration: St. John has a mystery theme, Hugues has his own mystery theme, and the listeners have to guess / figure out what those themes are!
Episode Theme by: St. John
Episode Title by: St. John
Opening Track: St. John
Closing Track: Hugues
Full Episode Link (Podbean):
Music-Only SUPER BONUS Link (Archive dot org):
Episode Timestamps (this playlist): 02:10:24 - 02:50:00
Episode Runtime (MUSIC-ONLY vers.): 00:39:39
End of Show (post-outtakes) Bonus Tracks (not included in this mixtape): TBD
Special Notes: As of the time of recording of the main episode, St. John still didn't know what Hugues' theme was. Hugues hasn’t told him, and St. John hasn’t been able to figure it out on his own (so far). Hugues knew what St. John's was, though....because he told him. ;-)
Track# (season) / Track# (episode) - Track - Game - System - Composer(s) - Selected By - Timestamp
281 / 43 / 01) "I can't believe you" (aka "Betrayal") - Grounseed - PC98 (OPN version) - Daisuke Takahashi - St. John - 02:10:24
44 / 02) Bridge - Spider-Man: Web of Fire - 32X - Sam Powell and/or Brian Schmidt - Hugues - 02:12:59
45 / 03) Bulberry Hill - Zool 2 - Amiga - Neil Biggin - St. John - 02:14:50
46 / 04) Site-B Area - The Lost World: Jurassic Park - Game Gear - Kōjirō Mikusa - Hugues - 02:17:54
47 / 05) Passage - Destiny - Multiplatform - C. Paul Johnson - St. John - 02:19:18
48 / 06) Knockturn Alley - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Game Boy Color - Ian Stocker - Hugues - 02:22:27
49 / 07) Quiet - Edge - Multiplatform - Richard Malot - St. John - 02:24:58
50 / 08) Puzzle - 3D Tetris - Virtual Boy - Ken Kojima - Hugues - 02:27:21
51 / 09) Bonus Room - Wolverine - NES - Geoff Follin - St. John - 02:30:00
52 / 10) Title Screen - Wario's Woods - NES - Shinobu Amayake and/or Soyo Oka - Hugues - 02:31:51
53 / 11) Reckless Running - Sega Rally Championship - Saturn - c: Takenobu Mitsuyoshi / a: Naofumi Hataya - St. John - 02:33:44
54 / 12) Bridge Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog - Mastersystem - c: Masato Nakamura / a: Yuzo Koshiro - Hugues - 02:37:47
55 / 13) Martinis for 2 - The Sims - PC - Jerry Martin and/or Marc Russo - St. John - 02:39:33
56 / 14) The Old Man's Rainbow Shop - Magic Knight Rayearth - Saturn - Yayoi Wachi and/or Sumio Okamoto - Hugues - 02:45:50
Episode: C2E20: "...all good things…"
Original release date: TBD
Episode Theme: Music from end credits and ending sequences
Theme Elaboration: N/A
Episode Theme by: Hugues
Episode Title by: St. John
Opening Track: Hugues
Closing Track: St. John
Full Episode Link (Podbean):
Music-Only SUPER BONUS Link (Archive dot org):
Episode Timestamps (this playlist): 02:50:04 - 03:27:17
Episode Runtime (MUSIC-ONLY vers.): 00:37:13
End of Show (post-outtakes) Bonus Tracks (not included in this mixtape): TBD
Special Notes: The final "regular" episode of Nerd Noise Radio - Channel 2! :-( There will still be the C2R4 Season 4 retrospective, and almost certainly a one-off “Series Finale” in early 2025. But of “plain Jane, run of the mill, ordinary episodes”....yeah, this is the very last one - which makes it really sad for St. John, and also very heavily influenced the selection of his tracks, which bias very heavily towards emotional, sentimental, heart-tugging pieces, and also bias very heavily towards tracks from games he actually beat growing up back in the day. :-(
Track# (season) / Track# (episode) - Track - Game - System - Composer(s) - Selected By - Timestamp
57 / 01) Summer Vacation - Tokyo Xanadu - Multiplatform - Takahiro Unisuga (Falcom Sound Team jdk) - Hugues - 02:50:04
58 / 02) Credits - Sonic 2 - Genesis - Masato Nakamura - St. John - 02:55:11
59 / 03) Staff Roll - Phantasy Star III - Genesis - Ippo Takeuchi - Hugues - 02:57:48
60 / 04) Ending - Super Castlevania IV - SNES - Masanori Adachi and/or Taro Kudo - St. John - 02:59:28
61 / 05) Ending - Another World - Amiga - Jean-François Freitas - Hugues - 03:01:51
62 / 06) Triforce Chamber - LoZ: Link to the Past - SNES - Koji Kondo - 03:03:23
63 / 07) The Credits Concerto - Donkey Kong Country - SNES - David Wise and/or Eveline Fischer - Hugues - 03:04:50
64 / 08) Ground Zero - Shinobi III - Genesis - Hirofumi Murasaki, Morihiko Akiyama, and/or Masayuki Nagao - St. John - 03:06:36
65 / 09) Good End - Streets of Rage II - Genesis - Yuzo Koshiro and/or Motohiro Kawashima - Hugues - 03:08:51
66 / 10) End Credits - Mega Man 3 - NES - Yasuaki Fujita and/or Harumi Fujita - St. John - 03:11:10
67 / 11) Farewell and a Decision - Grandia II - PS2 / Dreamcast - Noriyuki Iwadare - Hugues - 03:13:29
68 / 12) Ending - Stray - Multiplatform - Jan van der Cruyssen - St. John - 03:18:06
69 / 13) 16th Floor - Speedrun Tower - Genesis - c: JAM / a: Hugues Johnson - Hugues - 03:21:23
70 / 14) Ending - Super Mario World - SNES - Koji Kondo - St. John - 03:23:09
Total Episode Runtime: 03:27:17
![[Ch 1] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E90: Turning 50 – The B-Sides (feat. Hugues)”](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1455063/NNR_Channel_1_Avatar_2018_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Nov 21, 2024
Thursday Nov 21, 2024
Today’s broadcast is C1E90 for Theme Thursday, November 21st 2024. Today’s Broadcast is part 2 of a 2 part series on music from 100 of Hugues' favorite games as a part of his "farewell tour" to podcasting – 50 apiece for the occasion of his upcoming 50th birthday – curated, produced, and hosted by Hugues himself - on a program we're calling "Turning 50 – The B-Sides"
Track# / Track / Game / System / Composer(s) / Timestamp
A1) Earcatcher - 00:00:00
A2) Intro - 00:01:35
01) Overworld - Legend of Zelda - NES - Koji Kondo - 00:03:37
02) Forest of Elrond - Wizards and Warriors - NES - David Wise - 00:04:19
03) Swimming - Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Master System - 00:05:40
04) Track 2-3 - Super Mario Bros - NES - Koji Kondo - 00:08:10
05) Chill - Dr. Mario - NES - Koji Kondo - 00:08:10
06) Town - Phantasy Star - Master System - Tokuhiko Uwabo - 00:12:30
07) Passing Breeze - Outrun - Arcade - Hiroshi Kawaguchi - 00:13:50
08) Theme - Space Harrier - Arcade - Hiroshi Kawaguchi - 00:19:30
09) Green Hill Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog - Genesis - Masato Nakamura - 00:27:00
10) Field of Gale - Ys V - Super Famicom - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Atsushi Shirakawa) - 00:29:19
11) Library of Ancients - Final Fantasy V - Super Famicom - Nobuo Uematsu - 00:32:23
12) Behind the Circuit - Phantasy Star IV - Genesis - Izuho Takeuchi and/or Masaki Nakagaki - 00:34:53
13) Tenth Street - Shadownrun - SNES - Marshall Parker - 00:37:15
14) Wilderness - Golden Axe - Genesis - Tōru Nakabayashi - 00:41:10
15) Vega’s Theme - Street Fighter II - Arcade - Yoko Shimomura - 00:46:07
16) In the Bar - Streets of Rage 2 - Genesis - Yuzo Koshiro and/or Motohiro Kawashima - 00:48:42
17) China Town - Revenge of Shinobi - Genesis - Yuzo Koshiro - 00:50:03
18) Onett - Earthbound - SNES - Keiichi Suzuki and/or Hirokazu “Hip” Tanaka - 00:52:40
19) Kakariko Village - LoZ: Link to the Past - SNES - Koji Kondo - 00:53:51
20) Town - Legend of Heroes - TG16 - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Meiko Ishikawa) - 00:55:53
21) Track 8 - Dungeon Explorer II - TG16 - Tsukasak Masuko - 01:00:02
22) Track 3 - Splash Lake - TG16 - T’s Music - 01:01:59
23) Celceta: The Sea of Trees - Ys IV - PC Engine - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Atsushi Shirakawa) - 01:05:01
24) Vampire Killer - Castlevania: Rondo of Blood - PC Engine - Akira Sōji, Keizō Nakamura, Tomoko Sano, and/or Mikio Saitou - 01:06:59
25) Collision Chaos (Present) - Sonic CD (N/A) - Sega CD - Spencer Nilsen, David Young, Mark Crew and/or Pastiche - 01:08:35
26) Ending - Popful Mail - Sega CD - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Atsushi Shirakawa) - 01:10:14
27) DK’s Island Theme - Donkey Kong 64 - N64 - Grant Kirkhope - 01:12:10
28) Frontier Village Dali - Final Fantasy IX - PS1 - Nobuo Uematsu - 01:15:56
29) Safe in Beregost - Baldur’s Gate - PC - John Winski - 01:18:16
30) Stone Tower Temple - LoZ: Majora’s Mask - N64 - Koji Kondo - 01:19:37
31) Cosmo Canyon - Final Fantasy VII - PS1 - Nobuo Uematsu - 01:21:29
32) Crossing3084 - Phantasy Star Online - Dreamcast - Hideaki Kobayash and/or Fumie Kumatani - 01:24:59
33) Area 1: Mother Nature - Dig Dug Arrangement - Arcade - c: Yuriko Keino / a: Unknown - 01:28:59
34) Not Mega… - Retro City Rampage - Vita - Jake Kaufman - 01:31:02
35) Commercial City of Liligue ~ Pretense of Prosperity - Grandia II - PS2 - Noriyuki Iwadare - 01:32:51
36) The Byway of Departure - Trails in the Sky - PSP - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Wataru Ishibashi) - 01:35:34
37) Lonely Rolling Star - Katamari Damacy - PS2 - Yoshihito Yano - 01:37:35
38) Comic Klepto - Bully - PS2 - Shawn Lee - 01:43:14
39) Traces of D - Trails to Azure - PSP - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Saki Momiyama) - 01:45:54
40) Beautiful Morning - Danganronpa 2 - PSP - Masafumi Takada - 01:47:55
41) Lanayru Mining Facility - LoZ: Skyward Sword - Wii - Hajime Wakai, Shiho Fujii, Mahito Yokota, Takeshi Hama, Kōji Kondō - 01:50:51
42) The Island Left Behind - Legend of Nayuta - PSP - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Saki Momiyama) - 01:53:59
43) Flower Fields - Kirby’s Epic Yarn - Wii - Tomoya Tomita - 01:56:19
44) Anya by the Stars - To the Moon - PC - Ken Gao and/or Laura Shigihara - 01:59:48
45) Genial and Balmy - Trails of Cold Steel III - PS4 - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Takahiro Unisuga) - 02:01:57
46) AfroCuban-Taco Restaurant - Save the Date - PC - Francisco Cerda - 02:04:28
47) Tokyo Daylight - Persona 5 - PS4 - Shōji Meguro - 02:07:55
48) Hammerhead - Final Fantasy XV - Multiplatform - Yoko Shimomura - 02:09:54
49) Gentle Tiny Sleep - Trails of Cold Steel IV - PS4 - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Hayato Sonoda) - 02:14:01
50) Flamesgrace, Guiding Light - Octopath Traveler - Multiplatform - Yasunori Nishiki - 02:16:14
Music Block Runtime: 02:16:46, Total Episode Runtime: 02:20:23
Hugues’ blog can be found here:
You can also find all of our audio episodes on https://archive.org/details/@nerd_noise_radio as well as the occasional additional release only available there, such as remixes of previous releases and other content.
Our YouTube Channel, for the time being is in dormancy, but will be returning with content, hopefully, in 2022. Meanwhile, all the old stuff is still there, and can be found here:
Occasional blogs and sometimes expanded show notes can be found here:
Nerd Noise Radio is also available on The Retro Junkies Network at www.theretrojunkies.com, and is a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community at
We are also a member of Podcasters of Des Moines at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1782895868426870/
Or, if you wish to connect with us directly, we have two groups of our own:
Nerd Noise Radio - Easy Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276843385859797/ for sharing tracks, video game news, or just general videogame fandom.
Nerd Noise Radio - Expert Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381475162016534/ for going deep into video game sound hardware, composer info, and/or music theory.
Or you can reach us by e-mail at nerd.noise.radio@gmail.com
You can also follow us on X (Twitter) at https://twitter.com/NerdNoiseRadio , Threads at https://www.threads.net/@nerdnoiseradio , Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nerdnoiseradio?igsh=MWF4NjBpdGVxazUxYw== , Mastodon at https://universeodon.com/@NerdNoiseRadio , and BlueSky at And we are also now on Spotify, TuneIn, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Vurbl, Amazon Music and Audible! There is technically a Discord channel, but we may or may not ever take it public!
Thanks for listening! Join us again in Later this month or early December for C2R4 (Channel 2, Retrospective 4): "The Best of Season 4" and in December for C2F (Channel 2 Finale): "Finally our Final Finale", the series retrospctive and final broadcast of Channel 2 as well as for C1R7 (Channel 1, Retrospective 7) - Delicious VGM on "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds", and for the the last times, Tasty VGM and Talk on Nerd Noise Game Club. And wherever you are - Fly the N!
![[Ch 1] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E89: Turning 50 – The A-Sides (feat. Hugues)”](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1455063/NNR_Channel_1_Avatar_2018_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
Today’s broadcast is C1E89 for Theme Thursday, November 14th, 2024. Today’s Broadcast is part 1 of a 2 part series on music from 100 of Hugues' favorite games as a part of his "farewell tour" to podcasting – 50 apiece for the occasion of his upcoming 50th birthday – curated, produced, and hosted by Hugues himself - on a program we're calling "Turning 50 – The A-Sides"
Track# / Track / Game / System / Composer(s) / Timestamp
A1) Earcatcher - 00:00:00
A2) Intro - 00:01:37
01) Entrance - Shadowgate - NES - Hiroyuki Masuno - 00:03:45
02) The Moon - Duck Tales - NES - Hiroshige Tonomura - 00:04:56
03) Level Theme 1 - TMNT - NES - Konami Kukeiha Club - 00:05:44
04) Brinstar - Metroid - NES - Hirokazu Tanaka - 00:07:27
05) Map 3 - Super Mario Bros 3 - NES - Hirokazu Tanaka - 00:09:09
06) I wanna Close to You - Misty Blue - PC88 - Yuzo Koshiro - 00:11:10
07) Casino Night Zone - Sonic 2 - Genesis - Masato Nakamura - 00:13:52
08) Planet Dezoris - Phantasy Star 2 - Genesis - Tokuhiko Uwabo - 00:16:02
09) Robo’s Theme - Chrono Trigger - Super Nintendo - Yasunori Mitsuda - 00:16:55
10) Fight 2 - Final Fantasy IV - SNES - Nobuo Uematsu - 00:18:22
11) MEGALOMANIA - Live-A-Live - Super Famicom - Yoko Shimomura - 00:20:38
12) Beatnik on the Ship - Streets of Rage - Genesis - 00:22:07
13) A Breach of Contract - Herzog Zwei - Genesis - 00:26:29
14) Terra - Final Fantasy VI - SNES - Nobuo Uematsu - 00:33:07
15) Into the Thick of It - Secret of Mana - SNES - Hiroki Kikuta - 00:33:07
16) The Road is Full of Dangers - Super Mario RPG - SNES - Yoko Shimomura - 00:37:12
17) Aquatic Ambiance - Donkey Kong Country - SNES - David Wise - 00:38:42
18) Town - Phantasy Star III - Genesis - Izuho Numata - 00:42:01
19) Normal Game - Puzzle Bobble - Arcade - Kazuko Umino and/or Yasuko Yamada - 00:44:34
20) The Girl who Stole the Stars - Radical Dreamers - Satellaview - Yasunori Mitsuda - 00:47:34
21) Last Moment of the Dark - Ys Book I & II - TG16 - Falcom Sound Team jdk (Yuzo Koshiro) - 00:50:46
22) Track 3.5 - Cosmic Fantasy 2 - TG16 - Shingo Murakami and/or Hisao Inoue - 00:53:06
23) BGM 3 - Graduation II: Neo Generation - PC Engine - NEC Avenue - 00:54:07
24) Crowded Street Corner - Lunar 2: Eternal Blue - Sega CD - Noriyuki Iwadare - 00:56:12
25) Country Selection - Jaguar XJ220 - Sega CD - Martin Iveson - 00:59:08
26) Thermal Resolution - Tempest 2000 - Jaguar - Ian Howe, Alistair Lindsay, Kevin Saville, and/or Julian Hodgson - 01:01:32
27) Time’s Scar - Chrono Cross - PS1 - Yasunori Mitsuda - 01:05:26
28) The Man with the Machine Gun - Final Fantasy VIII - PS1 - Nobuo Uematsu - 01:07:47
29) Forest Temple - LoZ: Ocarina of Time - N64 - Koji Kondo - 01:10:33
30) Nozomi and Ryo - Shenmue - Dreamcast - Osamu Murata - 01:12:26
31) Eternity ~Memory of Lightwaves~ - Final Fantasy X-2 - PS2 - Noriko Matsueda and/or Takhito Eguchi - 01:16:17
32) Midna’s Lament - LoZ: Twilight Princess - GameCube - Toru Minegishi, Asuka Ohta, Koji Kondo, and/or Mahito Yokota - 01:18:45
33) Rokka - Grandia Xtreme - PS2 - Noriyuki Iwadare - 01:21:49
34) Windfall Island - LoZ: Wind Waker - GameCube - Kenta Nagata, Hajime Wakai, Asuka Hayazaki, and/or Atsuko Asahi - 01:25:56
35) Golf Select - Wii Sports - Wii - Kazumi Totaka - 01:27:07
36) Crazy Dave (Intro Theme) - Plants vs Zombies - iOS / Android - Laura Shigihara - 01:28:02
37) Land of Light and Shadow - Bravely Default - DS - Revo - 01:30:41
38) Founding Anniversary - Trails from Zero - PSP - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Hatato Sonoda) - 01:32:13
39) Color Your Night - Persona 3 - PSP - Atsushi Kitajoh - 01:35:12
40) Sudden Beautiful Lie - Danganrompa V3 - Vita - Masafumi Takada - 01:38:52
41) Wintry Arrival - Trails of Cold Steel II - Vita - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Takahiro Unisuga) - 01:42:47
42) Town Where the Sunlight Doesn’t Reach - Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - PSP - Takeharu Ishimoto - 01:45:47
43) X.R.C. - Tokyo Xanadu - Vita - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Takahiro Unisuga) - 01:48:57
44) Sunshine Coastline - Ys VIII - Vita - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Takahiro Unisuga) - 01:51:25
45) Freeway Escape - Shakedown Hawaii - PS4 - Matt Creamer - 01:54:31
46) Rave in the Grave - Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse - WiiU - Jake Kaufman - 01:55:58
47) Spiral of Erebos - Trails of Cold Steel III - PS4 - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Takahiro Unisuga) - 01:59: 23
48) Reverse Babel - Trails into Reverie - PS4 - Falcom Sound Team JDK (Yukihiro Jindo) - 02:04:12
49) Peachy Pie - Doki Doki Literature Club Plus - Switch - Nikki Kaelar - 02:07:18
50) Hateno Village - LoZ: Breath of the Wild - WiiU / Switch - Yasuaki Iwata - 02:09:23
Music Block Runtime: 02:11:26, Total Episode Runtime: 02:15:12
Hugues’ blog can be found here:
You can also find all of our audio episodes on https://archive.org/details/@nerd_noise_radio as well as the occasional additional release only available there, such as remixes of previous releases and other content.
Our YouTube Channel, for the time being is in dormancy, but will be returning with content, hopefully, in 2022. Meanwhile, all the old stuff is still there, and can be found here:
Occasional blogs and sometimes expanded show notes can be found here:
Nerd Noise Radio is also available on The Retro Junkies Network at www.theretrojunkies.com, and is a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community at
We are also a member of Podcasters of Des Moines at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1782895868426870/
Or, if you wish to connect with us directly, we have two groups of our own:
Nerd Noise Radio - Easy Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276843385859797/ for sharing tracks, video game news, or just general videogame fandom.
Nerd Noise Radio - Expert Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381475162016534/ for going deep into video game sound hardware, composer info, and/or music theory.
Or you can reach us by e-mail at nerd.noise.radio@gmail.com
You can also follow us on X (Twitter) at https://twitter.com/NerdNoiseRadio , Threads at https://www.threads.net/@nerdnoiseradio , Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nerdnoiseradio?igsh=MWF4NjBpdGVxazUxYw== , Mastodon at https://universeodon.com/@NerdNoiseRadio , and BlueSky at And we are also now on Spotify, TuneIn, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Vurbl, Amazon Music and Audible! There is technically a Discord channel, but we may or may not ever take it public!
Thanks for listening! Join us again this time next week for C1E90 (Channel 1, Episode 90): "Turning 50 – The B-Sides", and later this month or early December for C2R4 (Channel 2, Retrospective 4): "The Best of 2024" - Delicious VGM on "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds", as well as Tasty VGM and Talk on "Nerd Noise Game Club"! And wherever you are - Fly the N!
![[Ch 2] Nerd Noise Game Club: C2E20 - “....all good things….”](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1455063/Channel_Two_Avatar649gr_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
[Ch 2] Nerd Noise Game Club: C2E20 - “....all good things….”
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
Today’s Broadcast is C2E20, for Theme Thursday, Oct 24th, 2024. All good things must come to an end. Today is the final “regular” (as in, “final non-retrospective” episode - and as opposed to “final all time” episode). This will be the final episode where we bring new tracks to the show, though. So it is still an ending. The theme, therefore, is ending music, on a program we’re calling “...all good things…”
Track# / Track / Game / System / Composer(s) / Selected By
01) Summer Vacation - Tokyo Xanadu - Multiplatform - Takahiro Unisuga (Falcom Sound Team jdk) - Hugues
- Earcatcher - 00:00:00
- Music - 00:00:03
- Introduction - 00:05:23
- Top of Show Business - 00:06:14
- The Reveal of last episode’s mystery themes - 00:09:44
- Discussion - 00:24:38
02) Credits - Sonic 2 - Genesis - Masato Nakamura - St. John
- Music - 00:30:16
- Discussion - 00:33:01
03) Staff Roll - Phantasy Star III - Genesis - Ippo Takeuchi - Hugues
- Music - 00:35:17
- Discussion - 00:37:15
04) Ending - Super Castlevania IV - SNES - Masanori Adachi and/or Taro Kudo - St. John
- Music - 00:42:07
- Discussion - 00:44:46
05) Ending - Another World - Amiga - Jean-François Freitas - Hugues
- Music - 00:54:53
- Discussion - 00:56:27
06) Triforce Chamber - LoZ: Link to the Past - SNES - Koji Kondo
- Music - 01:00:40
- Discussion - 01:02:09
07) The Credits Concerto - Donkey Kong Country - SNES - David Wise and/or Eveline Fischer - Hugues
- Music - 01:08:45
- Discussion - 01:10:43
[EDITOR’s NOTE: I partially confused Vangelis with fellow Greek musician, Iasos. My bad! -St. J]
08) Ground Zero - Shinobi III - Genesis - Hirofumi Murasaki, Morihiko Akiyama, and/or Masayuki Nagao - St. John
- Music - 01:16:19
- Discussion - 01:18:38
09) Good End - Streets of Rage II - Genesis - Yuzo Koshiro and/or Motohiro Kawashima - Hugues
- Music - 01:34:07
- Discussion - 01:36:30
10) End Credits - Mega Man 3 - NES - Yasuaki Fujita and/or Harumi Fujita - St. John
- Music - 01:43:56
- Discussion - 01:46:14
11) Farewell and a Decision - Grandia II - PS2 / Dreamcast - Noriyuki Iwadare - Hugues
- Music - 01:49:38
- Discussion - 01:54:26
12) Ending - Stray - Multiplatform - Jan van der Cruyssen - St. John
- Music - 02:01:40
- Discussion - 02:05:12
13) 16th Floor - Speedrun Tower - Genesis - c: JAM / a: Hugues Johnson - Hugues
- Music - 02:10:48
- Discussion - 02:12:38
- End of Show Business - 02:22:27
- Closing track Discussion - 02:29:49
- Sign-off - 02:30:44
14) Ending - Super Mario World - SNES - Koji Kondo - St. John
- Music - 02:30:51
- Outtakes - 02:34:52
- BONUS - the “Composed by St. John / arranged by Jay Cook” collection
- “Floor It!” from the Game “X-Racer” (Hydra Development System) - 02:39:52
- “In-Game Theme” from the Game “Ranquest” (Hydra Development System) - 02:41:07
Total Episode Runtime: 02:44:07
Hugues’ blog can be found here:
St. John’s Mom’s flute business can be found here:
Valerie's Flute Entertainment, LLC (Playing the Decades)
Email: valerie@valwedgeworth.com
Note: St. John called it “Val’s Flute Entertainment”, instead of “Valerie’s Flute Entertainment”, but it used to be called “Val’s Flute”.
You can find Nerd Noise Radio on Facebook and on Twitter each @NerdNoiseRadio. There are also two Facebook Groups: Nerd Noise Radio “Easy Mode” where we just have general video game and nerd fun, or for the gearheads among you, Nerd Noise Radio “Expert Mode” where we deep dive sound hardware, composer info, and music theory.
You can find the blog at www.nerdnoiseradio.blogspot.com. Where we sometimes share additional show notes, and inside info. You can also find Nerd Noise Radio on Archive.org, where we have remixes and super bonuses only available there (such as a music-only alternative version of today’s show).
Nerd Noise Radio is also a member of the Retro Junkies community, which can be found at www.theretrojunkies.com. And we are a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community on Facebook. St. John is also the admin of the Podcasters of Des Moines Facebook group, which features a number of other podcasters and great programs from the greater Des Moines area.
Thanks for listening! Join us again later this month for a very special Channel 1 (subject a surprise for now), and then again in November for a sequel Ch 1 and for our Ch 2 “Best of Season 4 retrospective” - which will be our second-to-last ever installment of Ch 2…..Delicious VGM on Noise from the Hearts of Nerds, as well as Tasty VGM and Talk on Nerd Noise Game Club…and wherever you are….Fly the N!
![[Ch 1] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E88: FaceOff Friday – vol. 7”](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1455063/NNR_Channel_1_Avatar_2018_300x300.jpg)
Friday Sep 27, 2024
[Ch 1] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E88: FaceOff Friday – vol. 7”
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Today’s broadcast is C1E88 for FaceOff Friday, Sept 27th, 2024. Today’s broadcast will be FaceOff Friday – vol. 7 – very likely to be our final FaceOff Friday episode!
A1) Intro – 00:00:00
01) Double Dragon - Mission 2 - Kazunaka Yamane
- A) Arcade – 00:03:39
- B) Genesis – 00:05:19
- C)MastersystemFM – 00:06:59
- D)MastersystemPSG – 00:09:06
- E) NES – 00:11:15
- F) Gameboy – 00:12:43
- G) GBA – 00:15:55
- H) Double Dragon Trilogy – 00:17:40
02) Mortal Kombat – The Courtyard – Dan Forden
- A) Arcade – 00:19:16
- B) DOS (arr. Allister Brimble) – 00:20:46
- C) Genesis (arr. Matt Furniss) – 00:22:51
- D) SNES – 00:24:31
- E) Mortal Kombat Deception (arr.Chase Ashbaker, Richard Carle, Brian Chard, and/or Vincent Pontarelli)– 00:26:16
- F) Mortal Kombat (2011) (arr.DeanGrinsfelder) - 00:28:50
03) Gorgon Theme (aka Venus Fire) - Toshiharu Yamanishi and/or Tomomi Ōtani
- A) Thunder Spirits – SNES – 00:31:56
- B) Thunder Force 3 – Genesis – 00:34:46
04) Fatal Fury 2 / Fatal Fury Special – Andy Bogard Theme (aka Pasta) - Toshio Shimizu, Yoko Osaka, Yoshihiko Kitamura, YLF.Communicate, Paciorek, and/or Masahiko Hataya
- A) Neo Geo AES / MVS – 00:37:33
- B) Genesis (arr. Kazuyuki Oikawa and/or TomohiroIshigai) – 00:39:22
- C) SNES (arr.SeisukeIto) – 00:42:38
- D) PC Engine (arr. Yasuo Yamate) – 00:45:23
- E) Neo Geo CD / Sega CD (arr. Kim Jensen) – 00:48:57
05) Theme of Tara (aka Theme of Metal Gear) - Iku Mizutani, Shigehiro Takenouchi, and/or Motoaki Furukawa
- A) Metal Gear – MSX – 00:51:55
- B) Metal Gear Solid – GBA (VR Sneaking) (arr.Norihiko Hibino, and/or Kazuki Muraoka)- 00:55:08
- C) Snatcher – PC Engine (arr.Kazuki Muraoka, MasahiroIkariko, Seiichi Fukami, and/or Mutsuhiko Izumi – 00:57:11
- D) Snatcher – MSX (SCC) (arr.MasahiroIkariko) - 00:57:55
- E) Snatcher – Sega CD – 00:58:33
- F) Snatcher – PC88 (OPN)(arr.Masahiro Ikariko) - 00:59:17
- G) Metal Gear Mobile – iOS/Android (Ending) (arr.Eriko Kawamura, and/or Masaki Takeuchi)- 01:00:12
- H) Metal Gear Solid – PS1 (VR Training) (arr. Kazuki Muraoka, HiroyukiTōgo,Takanari Ishiyama, Lee Jeon Myung, and/or Gigi Meroni) - 01:02:34
- I) Super Smash Bros Ultimate – Switch (arr. Takahiro Nishi)– 01:05:02
- J) Metal Gear Solid 2 – PS2 (VR Sneaking) (arr. Norihiko Hibino)- 01:07:12
06) Mr. Nutz – Woody Land 1 & 2 – Matt Furniss
- A) SNES (arr. RaphaëlGesqua)– 01:09:55
- B) Genesis – 01:12:53
07) Outrun – Passing Breeze – Hiroshi Kawaguchi
- A) Arcade – 01:16:51
- B) Genesis (arr. T's Music) – 01:22:31
- C) PC Engine (arr. ShigeharuIsoda )– 01:28:17
- D) Game Gear – 01:33:42
- E)MastersystemPSG – 01:38:47
- F)MastersystemFM – 01:43:24
- G) Outrun 2006 (arr. Hiro, Yasuhiro Takagi, and/or Fumio Ito)– 01:48:01
B1) Outro – 01:53:39
Music Block Runtime: 01:50:03 Total Episode Runtime: 02:01:58
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights.
Produced using a nearly equal mix of Audacity and Ardour in Fedora Linux on an ASUS ROG Zephyrus 14 (2023) laptop with perhaps a little support from a Dell Latitude 7480 (also running Fedora Linux) or the Steam Deck (running Steam OS). Recorded with a Shure SM7B XLR dynamic microphone on a RØDE PSA1+ boom arm through a Cloudlifter and a Focusrite 4i4 XLR-to-USB interface!
You can also find all of our audio episodes on https://archive.org/details/@nerd_noise_radio as well as the occasional additional release only available there, such as remixes of previous releases and other content.
Our YouTube Channel, for the time being is in dormancy, but will be returning with content, hopefully, in 2022. Meanwhile, all the old stuff is still there, and can be found here:
Occasional blogs and sometimes expanded show notes can be found here:
Nerd Noise Radio is also available on The Retro Junkies Network at www.theretrojunkies.com, and is a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community at
We are also a member of Podcasters of Des Moines at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1782895868426870/
Or, if you wish to connect with us directly, we have two groups of our own:
Nerd Noise Radio - Easy Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276843385859797/ for sharing tracks, video game news, or just general videogame fandom.
Nerd Noise Radio - Expert Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381475162016534/ for going deep into video game sound hardware, composer info, and/or music theory.
Or you can reach us by e-mail at nerd.noise.radio@gmail.com
You can also follow us on X (Twitter) at https://twitter.com/NerdNoiseRadio , Threads at https://www.threads.net/@nerdnoiseradio , Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nerdnoiseradio?igsh=MWF4NjBpdGVxazUxYw== , Mastodon at https://universeodon.com/@NerdNoiseRadio , and BlueSky at And we are also now on Spotify, TuneIn, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Vurbl, Amazon Music and Audible! There is technically a Discord channel, but we may or may not ever take it public!
Thanks for listening! Join us again in October (or November) for C1E89 (Channel 1, Episode 89): The Arzette Soundtrack, as well as for C2E20 (Channel 2, Episode 20): "...all good things..." - our final NORMAL episode of Channel 2 - Delicious VGM on "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds", as well as "Tasty VGM and Talk on Nerd Noise Game Club"! And wherever you are - Fly the N!
![[Ch 2] “Nerd Noise Game Club”: C2E19 - “Mystery Flavors”](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1455063/Channel_Two_Avatar649gr_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
[Ch 2] “Nerd Noise Game Club”: C2E19 - “Mystery Flavors”
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Today’s broadcast is C2E19 for Theme Thursday, Sept 26th, 2024. Today’s theme is…..well, there are two themes, and they’re both a secret. Each host has their own mystery theme - can you guess what the themes are? Today’s episode is called “Mystery Flavors”.
[Production Note: more details below, but we apologize if the conversation on the opening track sounds a little more halting or broken up than usual, as if it were broken up into small chunks spaced apart. Also, this episode has an unusually long post-episode bonus reel. Everything that gets mentioned as “maybe I’ll add that to the back of the episode” gets added! :-D ]
Track# (total ) / Track# (episode) - Track - Game - System - Composer(s) - Selected By
01) "I can't believe you" (aka "Betrayal") - Grounseed - PC98 (OPN version) - Daisuke Takahashi - St. John
- Earcatcher - 00:00:00
- Music - 00:00:02
- Introduction - 00:02:39
- Top of Show Business (losing ourselves in the weeds) - 00:03:51
- Discussion - 00:13:13
02) Bridge - Spider-Man: Web of Fire - 32X - Sam Powell and/or Brian Schmidt - Hugues
- Music - 00:19:21
- Discussion - 00:21:14
03) Bulberry Hill - Zool 2 - Amiga - Neil Biggin - St. John
- Music - 00:27:14
- Discussion - 00:30:09
04) Site-B Area - The Lost World: Jurassic Park - Game Gear - Kōjirō Mikusa - Hugues
- Music - 00:36:09
- Discussion - 00:37:42
05) Passage - Destiny - Multiplatform - C. Paul Johnson - St. John
- Music - 00:41:38
- Discussion - 00:45:03
06) Knockturn Alley - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Game Boy Color - Ian Stocker - Hugues
- Music - 00:50:03
- Discussion - 00:52:35
07) Quiet - Edge - Multiplatform - Richard Malot - St. John
- Music - 00:56:37
- Discussion - 00:59:02
08) Puzzle - 3D Tetris - Virtual Boy - Ken Kojima - Hugues
- Music - 01:03:27
- Discussion - 01:06:06
09) Bonus Room - Wolverine - NES - Geoff Follin - St. John
- Music - 01:13:12
- Discussion - 01:15:07
10) Title Screen - Wario's Woods - NES - Shinobu Amayake and/or Soyo Oka - Hugues
- Music - 01:20:35
- Discussion - 01:22:02
11) Reckless Running - Sega Rally Championship - Saturn - c: Takenobu Mitsuyoshi / a: Naofumi Hataya - St. John
- Music - 01:25:54
- Discussion - 01:30:04
12) Bridge Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog - Mastersystem - c: Masato Nakamura / a: Yuzo Koshiro - Hugues
- Music - 01:34:33
- Discussion - 01:36:22
13) Martinis for 2 - The Sims - PC - Jerry Martin and/or Marc Russo - St. John
- Music - 01:40:14
- Discussion - 01:46:49
- End of Show Business - 01:54:19
- Closing Track Discussion - 02:01:53
- Sign-Off - 02:02:50
14) The Old Man's Rainbow Shop - Magic Knight Rayearth - Saturn - Yayoi Wachi and/or Sumio Okamoto - Hugues
- Music - 02:03:19
- Outtakes - 02:05:34
- BONUS 1: John’s first [successful Paulstretch]
- Paulstretch - 02:08:27
- The Source Material (“You Lose” sound from Price is Right) - 02:13:16
- BONUS 2: John’s Deflemask noodlings - [All circa 2016 - VERY LOW AUDIO QUALITY!!]
- Riff 1 (Sega Genesis) - 02:13:20
- Algorithm Play 1 (Sega Genesis) - 02:15:09
- Riff 2 (Sega Arcade - YM2151) - 02:17:23
- Riff 3 (Turbografx16) - 02:18:53
- “Take My Breath Away” (cover) (Sega Genesis) - 02:19:10
- My First Try with FM (Sega Genesis) [—WARNING: ABRAISIVE!---] - 02:19:31
- Decay to Sine (Sega Genesis) [—WARNING: ABRAISIVE!---] - 02:20:06
- Riff 4 - Take 1 (Sega Genesis) - 02:21:10
- Riff 4 - Take 2 (Sega Genesis) - 02:21:33
- Algorithm Play 2 (Sega Genesis) - 02:21:54
- Riff 5 - Take 1 (Sega Genesis) - 02:23:11
- Riff 5 - Take 2 (Sega Genesis) - 02:23:20
- Ur-Quan Victory (cover) (Sega Genesis) - 02:23:29
- BONUS 3: [REVERSE] Edge - Quiet - 02:23:36
Total Episode Runtime: 02:27:59
Supplemental content:
Portal - Taste of Blood (for cross-reference to the track from Destiny - and Paulstretched tracks):
Two more examples of Paulstretch - neither of which were made by St. John:
A primer on FM (so you understand what’s happening with the “Algorithm Play” Deflemask sound files):
The non-VGM piece St. John’s dad mistakenly guessed was VGM in lieu of correctly guessing the track from the Sims: “Sweet Summer Nights” by Najee:
More detailed production note: so, re: the haltingness of the conversation on the opening track: I had to sync the opening conversation up with a particular moment in the track, and doing that would’ve caused the conversation to come in half a loop too late, and with it being the opening track, I didn’t like that idea either. So, the only solution available to achieve BOTH starting at the right time, AND syncing to the right moment was to break the opening conversation into several small chunks and then create a little space between all of the chunks. So, that’s why the opening conversation sounds the way it does. I actually had to break up the conversations on one or two other tracks too - but to so much less extreme of a degree that it’s not noticeable other than on the opening conversation.
Hugues’ blog can be found here:
You can find Nerd Noise Radio on Facebook and on Twitter each @NerdNoiseRadio. There are also two Facebook Groups: Nerd Noise Radio “Easy Mode” where we just have general video game and nerd fun, or for the gearheads among you, Nerd Noise Radio “Expert Mode” where we deep dive sound hardware, composer info, and music theory.
You can find the blog at www.nerdnoiseradio.blogspot.com. Where we sometimes share additional show notes, and inside info. You can also find Nerd Noise Radio on Archive.org, where we have remixes and super bonuses only available there (such as a music-only alternative version of today’s show).
Nerd Noise Radio is also a member of the Retro Junkies community, which can be found at www.theretrojunkies.com. And we are a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community on Facebook. St. John is also the admin of the Podcasters of Des Moines Facebook group, which features a number of other podcasters and great programs from the greater Des Moines area.
Thanks for listening! Join us again TOMMOROW for C1E88: “FaceOff Friday - vol. 7, and in October or November (probably October) for C2E20: “....all good things” - our final “regular” episode of Channel 2. Delicious VGM on Noise from the Hearts of Nerds as well as Tasty VGM and Talk on Nerd Noise Game Club - and wherever you are….Fly the N!
![[Ch 1] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E87: TwoFer Tuesday – vol. 10”](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1455063/NNR_Channel_1_Avatar_2018_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
[Ch 1] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E87: TwoFer Tuesday – vol. 10”
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Today’s broadcast is C1E87 for TwoFer Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024. Today’s broadcast will be TwoFer Tuesday – vol. 10. This episode is dedicated to my lovely wife, Jodee, on the occasion of releasing on our 25th wedding anniversary!
- A) Intro – 00:00:00
01) Fantavision 202X – Multi – Soichi Terada
- A)Fantavision202X – 00:03:57
- B) Expositor 2 – 00:04:56
02) Futuri no Fantavision (JP) - PS2 – Soichi Terada
- A) Portal – 00:08:10
- B)Starshell– 00:12:19
03) Fantavision (JP) - PS2 – Soichi Terada
- A) Infinite – 00:14:14
- B)Starmine– 00:18:23
04) Fantavision (EU) - PS2 – Jim Croft
- A)Starmine(Track 08) - 00:22:28
- B) Night on South Island (Track 04) - 00:26:25
05) Fantavision (NA) - PS2 – Ashif Hakik
- A) Replay Mode – 00:30:27
- B) Snow on the Moon – 00:32:21
06) Metroid Prime - GameCube – Kenji Yamamoto
- A)ChozoRuins Plaza – 00:37:20
- B)ChozoRuins Depths – 00:40:35
07) N/A - System Music – PS5 - Unknown
- A) Login Screen – 00:45:07
- B) Menu Screen – 00:47:44
08) Zenses Ocean – 3DS – Martin Schjoler
- A) Shell Twirl – 00:51:05
- B) Wave Breaker – 00:53:13
09) Portal – Multiplatform - Kelly Bailey and/or Mike Morasky
- A) Taste of Blood – 00:55:48
- B) Subject Name Here – 00:58:43
10) Twilight – X68000 – Ryu Umemoto, Ryu Takami, and/or Hiroaki Sano
- A) Dupa Masa (Daytime) - 01:01:58
- B) Seara (Night) - 01:05:00
11) Gran Turismo 5 – PS3
- A) The Power of GT – YudaiSaitoh– 01:08:56
- B) Love and Peace –KemmeiAdachi – 01:13:00
12) Final Vendetta – Multiplatform – Futurecast and/or Utah Saints
- A) Luiza and Luana – 01:17:16
- B) Club Tigre – 01:19:28
13) NCAA Basketball – SNES - H. Kingsley Thurber, Paul Webb, and/or Mark Ganus
- A) Title Screen – 01:22:49
- B) Championship Win – 01:24:44
- B) Outro – 01:26:02
Music Block Runtime: 01:22:07, Total Episode Runtime: 01:34:33
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights.
Produced using a nearly equal mix of Audacity and Ardour in Fedora Linux on an ASUS ROG Zephyrus 14 (2023) laptop with perhaps a little support from a Dell Latitude 7480 (also running Fedora Linux) or the Steam Deck (running Steam OS). Recorded with a Shure SM7B XLR dynamic microphone on a RØDE PSA1+ boom arm through a Cloudlifter and a Focusrite 4i4 XLR-to-USB interface!
You can also find all of our audio episodes on https://archive.org/details/@nerd_noise_radio as well as the occasional additional release only available there, such as remixes of previous releases and other content.
Our YouTube Channel, for the time being is in dormancy, but will be returning with content, hopefully, in 2022. Meanwhile, all the old stuff is still there, and can be found here:
Occasional blogs and sometimes expanded show notes can be found here:
Nerd Noise Radio is also available on The Retro Junkies Network at www.theretrojunkies.com, and is a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community at
We are also a member of Podcasters of Des Moines at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1782895868426870/
Or, if you wish to connect with us directly, we have two groups of our own:
Nerd Noise Radio - Easy Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276843385859797/ for sharing tracks, video game news, or just general videogame fandom.
Nerd Noise Radio - Expert Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381475162016534/ for going deep into video game sound hardware, composer info, and/or music theory.
Or you can reach us by e-mail at nerd.noise.radio@gmail.com
You can also follow us on X (Twitter) at https://twitter.com/NerdNoiseRadio , Threads at https://www.threads.net/@nerdnoiseradio , Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nerdnoiseradio?igsh=MWF4NjBpdGVxazUxYw== , Mastodon at https://universeodon.com/@NerdNoiseRadio , and BlueSky at And we are also now on Spotify, TuneIn, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Vurbl, Amazon Music and Audible! There is technically a Discord channel, but we may or may not ever take it public!
Thanks for listening! Join us again in later in August for C2E19 - “Mystery Flavors”, a mystery-themed episode, and later that month for C1E88, Face-off Friday - vol. 7. Tasty VGM and Talk on Nerd Noise Game Club, as well as Delicious VGM on Noise from the Hearts of Nerds….and wherever you are….fly the N!
![[Ch 2] Nerd Noise Game Club - C2E18: “It Never Happened”](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1455063/Channel_Two_Avatar649gr_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Jul 04, 2024
[Ch 2] Nerd Noise Game Club - C2E18: “It Never Happened”
Thursday Jul 04, 2024
Thursday Jul 04, 2024
Today’s broadcast is C2E18 for Theme Thursday, July 4th, 2024 (the holiday connection was a pure coincidence - but happy holidays to everyone who celebrates it!). Today’s theme is music from unreleased (and usually unfinished) games - on a program we’re calling “It Never Happened” - subject selected by Hugues, and episode title by St. John!
Track# / Track / Game / System(s) / Composer(s) / Selected By
01) Ending Theme - Fido Dido - Genesis - Matt Furniss - Hugues
- Earcatcher - 00:00:00
- Music - 00:00:03
- Introductions - 00:02:27
- Top of Show Business - 00:06:08
- Discussion - 00:11:57
02) Options - Sonic X-treme - Saturn - Howard Drossin - St. John
- Music - 00:16:19
- Discussion - 00:17:35
03) Levels 1, 2, 3 - X-Men Mind Games - 32X - Jesper Kyd - Hugues
- Music - 00:26: 33
- Discussion - 00:34:26
04) Lab Theme - Ninja Gaiden - Genesis - Unknown - St. John
- Music - 00:38:43
- Discussion - 00:40:30
05) River Level - The A-Team - Master System - Jeroen Tel - Hugues
- Music - 00:50:56
- Discussion - 00:52:46
06) Stage 2 (50Hz) - Time Trax - Genesis - Tim Follin - St. John (how it would sound on a PAL Mega Drive)
- Music - 00:57:08
- Discussion - 00:59:50
07) The End of Worlds - Shadow of the Beast - SNES - c: David Whittaker / a: Unknown - Hugues
- Music - 01:27:30
- Discussion - 01:16:10
08) Astral Race - Marble Madness II - Arcade - Brad Fuller and/or John Paul - St. John
- Music - 01:20:12
- Discussion - 01:23:07
09) Tatsumarii Village - Earthbound 64 - N64 - Shogo Sakai - Hugues
- Music - 01:28:14
- Discussion - 01:30:32
10) Peaceful Future 2052 - Time Diver Eon Man - NES - Tsukasa Masuko - St. John
- Music - 01:37:41
- Discussion - 01:39:17
11) Menu - Sim City - NES - c: Soyo Oka and/or Koji Kondo / a: Unknown - Hugues
- Music - 01:45:07
- Discussion - 01:46:43
12) Unknown City - Doxa - PS4 - Daniel Capo - St. John
- Music - 01:50:07
- Discussion - 01:51:30
13) The Original Spelunkers - Bonk - Brink of Extinction - Multiplatform - Disasterpeace - Hugues
- Music - 01:56:11
- Discussion - 01:59:05
- End of Show Business - 02:02:12
- A major shout-out to Majors! - 02:08:07
- Final Track Discussion - 02:10:11
- Sign-off - 02:13:21
14) Ending and Staff Roll - The Shadow - SNES - Jonathan Dunn - St. John
- Music - 02:13:30
- Outtakes - 02:16:27
- BONUS 1: Time Trax “55Hz” (how Tim would’ve intended it to sound) - 02:21:06
- BONUS 2: Time Trax 60Hz (how it would sound on an NTSC Genesis / Mega Drive) - 02:23:32
Total Episode Runtime: 02:26:09
Retro Game Club can be found here:
You can also follow Retro Game Club on Facebook and Instagram @retrogameclubpodcast and on Twitter @rgcpodcast.
Hugues’ blog can be found here:
You can find Nerd Noise Radio on Facebook and on Twitter each @NerdNoiseRadio. There are also two Facebook Groups: Nerd Noise Radio “Easy Mode” where we just have general video game and nerd fun, or for the gearheads among you, Nerd Noise Radio “Expert Mode” where we deep dive sound hardware, composer info, and music theory.
You can find the blog at www.nerdnoiseradio.blogspot.com. Where we sometimes share additional show notes, and inside info. You can also find Nerd Noise Radio on Archive.org, where we have remixes and super bonuses only available there (such as a music-only alternative version of today’s show).
Nerd Noise Radio is also a member of the Retro Junkies community, which can be found at www.theretrojunkies.com. And we are a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community on Facebook. St. John is also the admin of the Podcasters of Des Moines Facebook group, which features a number of other podcasters and great programs from the greater Des Moines area.
Thanks for listening! Join us again later this month on Ch 1 for C1E87: TwoFer Tuesday - vol. 10 - Delicious VGM on Noise from the Hearts of Nerds - and wherever you are….Fly the N!
![[RE-UPLOAD] [Ch 1] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E86: The Celeste Soundtrack” (Masters of VGM)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1455063/NNR_Channel_1_Avatar_2018_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
[RE-UPLOAD NOTE: When I had previously uploaded this episode, I had accidentally included the sound file to the previous episode instead. So I deleted that upload and am uploading the correct sound file now. My apologies for the mix-up! Original show notes (which were correct) are below - St. John]
Today’s broadcast is C1E86 for Soundtrack Saturday, June 15th, 2024. Today’s episode is our contributions to the annual VGM podcast scene group project, Masters of VGM (https://www.mastersofvgm.com/). Today's broadcast is the soundtrack to the game Celeste (Mutliplatform) - composed by Lena Raine!
Tracklist: Track# / Track / Timestamp
A1) Intro - 00:00:00
01) Prologue - 00:03:52
02) First Steps - 00:04:57
03) Resurrections - 00:08:31
04) Awake - 00:18:09
05) Postcard from Celeste Mountain - 00:20:34
06) Checking In - 00:22:02
07) Spirit of Hospitality - 00:29:05
08) Scattered and Lost - 00:30:45
09) Golden - 00:36:36
10) Anxiety - 00:45:00
11) Quiet and Falling - 00:46:50
12) In the Mirror - 00:54:13
13) Madeline and Theo - 01:03:43
14) Starjump - 01:06:50
15) Reflection - 01:08:59
16) Confronting Myself - 01:14:48
17) Little Goth - 01:18:50
18) Reach for the Summit - 01:21:46
19) Exhale - 01:32:48
20) Heart of the Mountain - 01:35:08
21) My Dearest Friends- 01:41:02
B1) Outro - 01:43:10
Music Block Runtime: 01:39:23, Total Episode Runtime: 01:49:48
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights.
Produced using a nearly equal mix of Audacity and Ardour in Fedora Linux on an ASUS ROG Zephyrus 14 (2023) laptop with perhaps a little support from a Dell Latitude 7480 (also running Fedora Linux) or the Steam Deck (running Steam OS). Recorded with a Shure SM7B XLR dynamic microphone on a RØDE PSA1+ boom arm through a Cloudlifter and a Focusrite 4i4 XLR-to-USB interface!
You can also find all of our audio episodes on https://archive.org/details/@nerd_noise_radio as well as the occasional additional release only available there, such as remixes of previous releases and other content.
Our YouTube Channel, for the time being is in dormancy, but will be returning with content, hopefully, in 2022. Meanwhile, all the old stuff is still there, and can be found here:
Occasional blogs and sometimes expanded show notes can be found here:
Nerd Noise Radio is also available on The Retro Junkies Network at www.theretrojunkies.com, and is a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community at
We are also a member of Podcasters of Des Moines at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1782895868426870/
Or, if you wish to connect with us directly, we have two groups of our own:
Nerd Noise Radio - Easy Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276843385859797/ for sharing tracks, video game news, or just general videogame fandom.
Nerd Noise Radio - Expert Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381475162016534/ for going deep into video game sound hardware, composer info, and/or music theory.
Or you can reach us by e-mail at nerd.noise.radio@gmail.com
You can also follow us on X (Twitter) at https://twitter.com/NerdNoiseRadio , Threads at https://www.threads.net/@nerdnoiseradio , Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nerdnoiseradio?igsh=MWF4NjBpdGVxazUxYw== , Mastodon at https://universeodon.com/@NerdNoiseRadio , and BlueSky at And we are also now on Spotify, TuneIn, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Vurbl, Amazon Music and Audible! There is technically a Discord channel, but we may or may not ever take it public!
Thanks for listening! Join us again in June (date TBD) for C2E18 (Channel 2, Episode 18) for a TBD-titled fous on music from Unreleased Games and in July for C1E87 (Channel 1, Episode 87): TwoFer Tuesday – vol. 10 – Tasty VGM and Talk on "Nerd n Noise Game Club", as well as Delicious VGM on "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds"! And wherever you are - Fly the N!
![[Ch 1] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E85: FaceOff Friday – vol. 6”](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog1455063/NNR_Channel_1_Avatar_2018_300x300.jpg)
Friday May 31, 2024
[Ch 1] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E85: FaceOff Friday – vol. 6”
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
Today’s broadcast is C1E85 for FaceOff Friday, May 31st, 2024 Today’s broadcast will be FaceOff Friday – vol 6, a collection of "this version vs that version" of various pieces of Delicious VGM!
A1) Intro - 00:00:00
01) Super Mario Bros. - Overworld Theme - Koji Kondo
- SNES [Super Mario All Stars] (a: N/A) - 00:02:35
- NES (a: N/A) - 00:05:26
- PC 88 [Super Mario Bros. Special] (a: Fumihiko Itagaki and/or Megumi Kawamata) - 00:09:48
02) Fatal Fury – Howard Arena (Tung Fu Rue) - Kazuhiro Nishida, Yoko Osaka, Muraisan, Toshikazu Tanaka, Yasuo Yamate, Hiroshi Matsumoto, Michael Beard, and/or Goodam Kakaree
- Neo Geo AES / MVS (a: N/A) - 00:11:59
- Genesis (a: Kazuyuki Oikawa and/or Kōjirō Mikusa) - 00:14:56
- SNES (a: Hiroshi Ebihara) - 00:17:40
- Neo Geo CD (a: Unknown) - 00:21:02
03) Shinobi - Yasuhiro Kawakami
- Arcade (BGM 2) (a: N/A) - 00:26:03
- PC Engine (BGM 2) (a: Unknown) - 00:27:28
- Mastersystem FM [level music] (a: Unknown) - 00:28:55
- Mastersystem PSG [level music] (a: Unknown) - 00:30:18
- NES [level music] (a: Unknown) - 00:31:03
04) Double Dragon V – Character Select - Robert Atesalp
- Jaguar (a: Byron Parks) - 00:33:05
- SNES (a: N/A) - 00:34:48
- Genesis (a: N/A) - 00:36:35
05) Ninja Warriors – Daddy Mulk - Hisayoshi Ogura
- Arcade (a: N/A) - 00:38:27
- Amiga (a: Ronald Pieket-Weeserik) - 00:42:46
- C64 (a: Tony Williams) - 00:46:54
- PC Engine (a: Unknown) - 00:51:02
- Mega CD (a: Junichi Kawaguchi) - 00:55:15
06) Tetris (SEGA) Tetramix A - Yasuhiro Kawakami
- Arcade (a: N/A) - 01:00:10
- Genesis (a: N/A) - 01:01:56
07) Ninja Gaiden Series Boss Music - Keiji Yamagishi, Ryuichi Nitta, and/or Ichiro Nakagawa
- Ninja Gaiden 1 (NES) (a: N/A) - 01:03:55
- Ninja Gaiden 2 (NES) (a: Ryuichi Nitta and/or Mayuko Okamura) - 01:05:42
- Ninja Gaiden 3 (NES) (a: Sugito Miyashiro, Kaori Nakabai, and/or Rika Shigeno) - 01:07:28
- Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (SNES) (a: Unknown) - 01:09:14
08) Streets of Rage 1 vs Streets of Rage 2 (Boss Music 1) - Yuzu Koshiro and/or Motohiro Kawasshima
- SoR 1 (Attack the Barbarian) (a: N/A) - 01:11:06
- SoR 2 (Never Return Alive) (a: N/A) - 01:13:51
09) Y's III: Wanderers from Ys – The Winged Boy (aka “The Boy’s got Wings” or “Winged Boy”) - Mieko Ishikawa
- PC98 (OPN) (a: N/A) - 01:17:24
- X68000 (a: Masaki Kawai) - 01:19:27
- Famicom (a: Osamu Kasai, Masaaki Harada, and/or Michiharu Hasuya) - 01:22:04
- MSX2 (a: Unknown) - 01:23:56
- SNES (a: Michiharu Hayusa, Masaaki Harada, and/or Osamu Kasai) - 01:26:00
- Genesis (a: Yoshiaki Kubotera and/or Noriyuki Iwadare) - 01:27:32
- PC Engine (a: Masaaki Inoue) - 01:29:35
- PS2 (a: Unknown) - 01:31:37
- Oath in Felghana (a: Yukihiro Jindo) - 01:34:18
10) Metroid - Norfair - Hirokazu (Hip) Tanaka
- Wii [Super Smash Bros. Brawl] (a: Yuzo Koshiro) - 01:37:29
- GBA (a: Kenji Yamamoto and/or Minako Hamano) - 01:39:50
- NES (a: N/A) - 01:43:40
B1) Outro - 01:45:51
Music Block Runtime: 01:33:13, Total Episode Runtime: 01:54:12
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights.
Produced using a nearly equal mix of Audacity and Ardour in Fedora Linux* on an ASUS ROG Zephyrus 14 (2023) laptop with perhaps a little support from a Dell Latitude 7480 (also running Fedora Linux) or the Steam Deck (running Steam OS). Recorded with a Shure SM7B XLR dynamic microphone on a RØDE PSA1+ boom arm through a Cloudlifter and a Focusrite 4i4 XLR-to-USB interface!
*=or Windows 11 since the transition back to Fedora on the Zephyrus happened midway through this episode's production
You can also find all of our audio episodes on https://archive.org/details/@nerd_noise_radio as well as the occasional additional release only available there, such as remixes of previous releases and other content.
Our YouTube Channel, for the time being is in dormancy, but will be returning with content, hopefully, in 2022. Meanwhile, all the old stuff is still there, and can be found here:
Occasional blogs and sometimes expanded show notes can be found here:
Nerd Noise Radio is also available on The Retro Junkies Network at www.theretrojunkies.com, and is a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community at
We are also a member of Podcasters of Des Moines at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1782895868426870/
Or, if you wish to connect with us directly, we have two groups of our own:
Nerd Noise Radio - Easy Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276843385859797/ for sharing tracks, video game news, or just general videogame fandom.
Nerd Noise Radio - Expert Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381475162016534/ for going deep into video game sound hardware, composer info, and/or music theory.
Or you can reach us by e-mail at nerd.noise.radio@gmail.com
You can also follow us on X (Twitter) at https://twitter.com/NerdNoiseRadio , Threads at https://www.threads.net/@nerdnoiseradio , Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nerdnoiseradio?igsh=MWF4NjBpdGVxazUxYw== , Mastodon at https://universeodon.com/@NerdNoiseRadio , and BlueSky at And we are also now on Spotify, TuneIn, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Vurbl, Amazon Music and Audible! There is technically a Discord channel, but we may or may not ever take it public!
Thanks for listening! Join us again in June (dates TBD) for C1E86 (Channel 1, Episode 86): our 2024 contribution to Masters of VGM – featuring the soundtrack to Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore, and C2E18 (Channel 2, Episode 18): a thus far untitled focus on music from unreleased games - Delicious VGM on "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds", as well as Tasty VGM and Talk on Nerd Noise Game Club! And wherever you are - Fly the N!